stopping a bad guy

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Roys pov

I watched my little girl playing on the slide giddily. She looked so happy. It made my heart sweal a little. I wonder if Oliver felt this way when he took me in.

"Daddy" Caroline ran up to me, her eyes glued to my ice-cream "can I have one?"

"Sure sweetie. Let's pick up some from the ice-cream van" I took her hand and was about to head over when-

"Stop, theif!" We spun around to see a woman pointing at a masked man running off with a handbag.

"That bad man is getting away" Caroline gasped.

"Not on my watch!" I grabbed my sling from my back pocket and threw it at the thief's leg. It wrapped around his legs, tripping him up.

I walz up and grabbed the handbag from his hands "I believe this is yours ma'am"

"Oh thank you young man. You're a hero" the lady smiled as she took her bag.

"Wow daddy you really saved that lady" Caroline hugged my arm.

"Well sweetie that's what heroes do" I petted her head before turning to the thief "tough luck pal. I hope you like prison food"

"You son of a bi-" I cut him off with a boot to the face.

"Hey! Watch your language in front of my kid" I growled.

"Daddy look it's a policeman" Caroline pointed to the approaching officer.

"Looks like our work is over" I took her hand and walked towards the van and bought her some ice cream.

"You just can't stay out of trouble can you" we turned around to see jay's fond smile he was trying so hard to hide.

"What can I say? A hero's work is never done" I smirked.

"Hence why I gave up the trade" he grabbed me by a hand "come on. Let's take her shopping before anything else goes wrong"

I smiled softly as he dragged us away. It feels strangely nice when he holds my hand...

my daughter (redhood family AU) Where stories live. Discover now