visiting the bat

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Jason's pov

"So why are we travelling to Wayne manor again" roy raised an eyebrow as we drove down gothen city in a tour bus.

"I'm giving up my revenge story" I stared out the window as the buildings passed me by "but the joker could still be after Caroline so I'm asking for his help"

"That's a pretty big step to take jay. I'm proud of you" roy rubbed my arm confertingly.

"Thanks roy" I took his hand with a smile "hey princess if you thought daddy's apartment was big then your going to be real surprised when you see this place"

"It's even bigger?" her eyes widened.

"It's so big that daddy's apartment could fit in their kitchen" I whispered.

"Wow that is big!" She gasped.

"Well that's our stop" roy gestured to the manor "are you ready?"

I took a deep breath "yeah I'm ready" we jumped out of the tour bus much to everyone's surprise and heading into the manor.

*Time skip*

We knocked on the door three times. Almost instantly the family butler Alfred answered the door.

"Ah master Jason" he greeted me politely "master dick informed me of your arrival. Master bruce is waiting for you in the cave"

"Thank you Alfred" I nodded greatfully "would you mind watching Caroline while I talk to him?"

"Certainly" he nodded "come along young lady. I'll teach you some fun card games while we wait"

"Ok mister" she chirped as she followed him to the dining hall.

I took a deep breath as I headed into the elevator. Roy silently placed a hand on my shoulder as if to say I'm here for you. I nodded greatfully as the elevator descended.

"Jason!" Dick ran up to me "don't worry. I put in a good word for the big man"

"Still the favourite child I see" I smirked.

"Hey no need to get jealous" he winked "ok go get him tiger!" He pushed me forward.

"Jason" he folded his arms, stern as ever.

"Hey dad" I rubbed my neck awkwardly.

He eyes darted to Roy "dick told me everything. Does oliver know about you housing someone we consider a criminal"

"Naw I don't want to give the man gray hairs" he shook his head "why do you tell the justice league everything you do?"

"No" he sighed simply before turning to me "what do you need Jason?"

I took a deep breath "I know you probably want nothing to do with me but I need your help. I have this girl I want to protect and the joker is a big problem for me. I need your help to stop him"

"I'll do it" he answered immediately.

"Wow that was fast" I muttered.

He turned his back to me "I always had faith you'd return to me. All I had to do was wait"

I shook my head with a smile. Classic bats. Even after all this time he still so damn cryptic!

my daughter (redhood family AU) Where stories live. Discover now