what happened with uncle and daddy?

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Roys pov

I arrived home with my little girl in my arms. I felt exhausted by the time I opened the door. I made my way to the couch and collapsed against it. Who knew family could be so exhausting!

"Are you tired daddy" Caroline climbed onto my knee.

"Exhausted baby girl" I held her close "it's been a long day"

"Is it cause of daddy and uncle dickie?" She asked.

"Yeah it is" I sighed.

"Why are they fighting so much? Aren't brother's supposed to get along?"

"Well normally yes but things are kinda complicated with them" I scratched my head.

"Complicated how" her eyes were fixed on me. I suppose she deserves to know.

"Do you remember the joker" she stiffened up like a deer caught in the headlights. I looked away guiltily before continuing "well he hurt your daddy really bad. He almost died and he even lost his mother"

"That's terrible" there was a flash of anger in her eyes. I couldn't blame her. I felt the same way.

"It is" I nodded "your daddy was so hurt by what happened that he swore revenge on him. Unfortunately the heroes have a strict code against killing others so they kicked him out and branded him a criminal.

"Poor daddy" Caroline clutched my shirt tearfully.

I nodded "Him and uncle dick had a big fight and they haven't spoken since"

"Do you think they'll make up?" She asked.

"I hope so baby girl" I held her close "I really do"

my daughter (redhood family AU) Where stories live. Discover now