shopping trip

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Jason's pov

Once we got into town I occurred to me that I had no idea where they sold little girls clothes. Roy apparently did though so I let him take the lead.

"Remind me again how you know this stuff" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh come on jay, you know I take Oliver's little girl shopping all the time" roy rolled his eyes.

"And how would I know that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Because I'm always blabbing on about how cute she is" he excamed

"Sorry, I tend to tune you out when you talk too much" I muttered.

He let out an offended gasp "Mean!" I rolled my eyes fondly at him as we arrived at the clothes shop.

"Wow it's so big" Caroline spun around in delight.

"Whoe easy baby girl. You're going to make yourself dizzy" roy caught her with a chuckle "now let's pick out the perfect dress for you princess"

"A princess" her eyes lit up "can I have a tiara too?"

"Uhh let's just stick with the dresses sweetheart" I butt in before roy could say something stupid.

"Ok" she ran over to the dresses with a giggle.

"I hope we can afford all this" I muttered to myself.

"Oh lighten up jay" roy grinned smugly "besides it's my money that's going to pay for all this"

"No" I said firmly "I can't keep relying on you for these things"

"Of course you can" he folded his arms "we're family and family rely on each other"

"Oh yeah? Well what are you relying on me for" I said bitterly.

"Are you kidding? When Caroline was having a panic attack and I was freaking out you calmed us both down" he placed his hand on my shoulder "I need you just as much as you need me"

"Yeah, I guess we do make a pretty good team" I smiled softly. Roy's had my back since day one. I don't know what I'd do without him.

"I'm back!" Caroline appeared with an armful of dresses. It was mounted so high we could barely see her face! "I found lots of dresses. I'm not sure which ones I should get"

"Well in that case we'll have to try them all on" I took the clothes out of her hands. Her eyes lit up excitedly as she skipped to the dressing rooms.

"Not bad Todd" roy bumped my shoulder playfully "guess you can relax when you want to"

"I guess so" I smirked as I threw him some dresses "now help me carry these!"


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