Chapter 4: Braxton

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I don't know what the hell that was, but the feeling I got from it was like nothing else. I couldn't tell if the heat radiating was from her body, from my body, or what. All I know is that her touch sent sparks through my body, down to my cock, and made it twitch. Leighton has made me feel a lot of things, annoyance, anger, regret, but never anything like this feeling, attraction. I don't look at her at all the rest of class. I don't know if she's looking at me or what, but I don't want to get caught in an awkward glance.

After class, I huff it over to practice. The coach has been riding us all this week and I'm tired, but I keep pushing through. It's another late practice night. Most of the time, my mind is on practice, and getting through it, but I found myself thinking about Leighton, and hoping she was okay. I know she was going to the library, but I wasn't sure if she was still there, or what was going on.

After practice, we head to the locker room.

"Hey bro, what was with that one girl getting out of your jeep this morning?"

"Who?" I try to play dumb.

"What, do you just have tons of bitches that you can't keep track? The brown-haired girl, what's her name, Lacey, Luna, shit, I don't know."

"Leighton." I blurt out. The locker room goes kind of quiet. It's not normal for me to know a girl's name after we've fucked. There's been a few that I've known because we had a class together or she's been trying to go after me for a while, but other than that, It's a one time, hump and dump.

"Yeah, I guess her. What's up with her? She's the girl that turned hot over summer. Who knew under all of her ugly ass appearances, there was a sexy vixen waiting to come out?" My fists are turning to balls hearing them talk about her like that. I know that I should stick up for her, but my instinct is to make a claim on her so they don't.

"Yeah, what about her? I'm fucking her."

I hear the ooh's and aah's coming from the locker room. The guys are slapping me on the back and cheering me on.

"Damn, how do you get all of the hot ones so quick?"

"I just do, man." I hurry and finish getting ready. I know I shouldn't have said it, but it's just locker room talk, and it'll keep them away from her. Everybody knows that if I am messing with someone, they're off limits until I've moved on.

"What about Kelly?"

"What about her?"

"Damn, if you're done with her, I don't mind." These guys are pigs. All they think about is when they can get their dick wet. I roll my eyes.

"I'm breaking up with her, this weekend."

"Damn, Leighton must have a sweet pussy if you're giving up Kelly."

I don't say anything. I just slam my locker shut and walk out. I can't take the way they're talking about them anymore. I know that I'm usually the one starting these kinds of conversations but the thought of anybody having those thoughts about Leighton is sending anger all throughout my body. I wanted to sock not just one of them in the face, but all of them. I walk towards the jeep and text Leighton.

"Be at the jeep in 2 minutes."

While I'm walking out, I see Leighton walking out too. She doesn't acknowledge me, just keeps walking, and she makes her way to my jeep and sits in the front seat. Some of the guys from the locker room come up to me. When they see Leighton in my car, they slap me on the shoulders and back again and they're all laughing as they walk away. I get in the front seat, and I'm seething.

"You okay?"


"What was that about?"


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