Chapter 14: Braxton

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I've been texting Leighton all day, and she hasn't responded to me. I've even tried going over there a couple of times and she either hasn't been home or hasn't been answering me because I'm not getting anything. I don't know what gives. I thought we had a great night the other night and she's ignoring me. I'm getting pissed, but there's no way that I can get ahold of her if she's not answering me. I lay in bed for the rest of the day wondering what the hell could have happened.

The next day, I'm anxious to get to school. When I'm leaving, I notice that Leighton's car is already gone meaning she left, now I know she's intentionally trying to dodge me. I rush off into my Jeep and head to school. Once I get there, I head straight for first period. I need to know why she's ignoring me.

I get in there and sit down next to her. I turn my whole body to face her and tap her on the shoulder, as she has her back turned to me, talking to her friend. She doesn't even turn around, instead, she looks sideways over her shoulder.


"Why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not avoiding you."

"It's clear as hell that you are. What's wrong?"


"So that's it?"

"What's it?"

I lean in closer to her so other people can't hear what I'm about to say to her.

"We sleep together and now you're done with me?"

She whips her head to me, finally, something got her attention.

"Look Braxton, I'm not sure what you're really expecting from me. Everything is kind of messed up, so I think it's just best if we keep our distance like we discussed. We will just go back to how we were before. Obviously, what we always talk about still stands, so don't worry about that, but everything else should just be kept to nothing."

With her words playing in my head, the bell rings and the teacher starts the lesson. Really, so we're nothing now? If that's how she wants to play it, that's fine with me.

I sit forward in my seat and I don't look at her the rest of the day. If she wants to play this game, I can play it too.

The rest of this week is torturous as hell for me. Leighton has come to school every day, looking better than ever before, like she's trying to look a certain way to impress somebody. She's getting the attention of a lot of people at school. Then, she completely ignores me as I come to her house every night. We're worse off now than we were before any of this happened. She just opens the door and then goes to her room. Doesn't even sit to eat with me, or anything.

I've been noticing that she's been using her phone a lot more in class, and smiling at it too. It's clear that she really is with the guy in the picture that she posted. I still haven't found out who the hell the guy is. Nobody knows and I've asked a fuck ton of people. I'm pissed as hell because this all happened so quick. I was her first kiss, first everything, and then she just acts like it was nothing and is already moving on. If she wants to move on, I can do that too.

I head to practice after school is out. I have been using practice this whole week to take out the anger I have. It's been great though because we have a huge game tomorrow night, and it's our winter game before break, and it's also the night before the Christmas ball. While Leighton and I were doing whatever we were doing, I was planning to ask her one of the nights we were together, but since she's been ignoring me, I'll have to find another way to ask her.

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