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Tulin, Sidon, and Yunobo are riding home in awkward silence. What was there to talk about? Sidon decides to lighten up the mood and start some small talk.

"So... That campaign was... Something..?" He said awkwardly.

"Yeah..." Tulin responds in a quiet voice. Yunobo just nods in agreement. The ride home was silent. Awkward, even.

"See you guys tomorrow..." Yunobo waves with a small smile. Tulin and Sidon wave back as Yunobo turned onto the route home.

As Yunobo was riding back home, he had an unsettling feeling. He felt like someone, no, something, was watching him. He looks to his left, then his right. He couldn't check behind him because he was biking. He looks to his right, then his left. He still saw nothing, he felt like he was going crazy.
'I'm probably fine...' He thought to himself. But when he looked up, he saw an inhumane figure. It was tall and slender with long arms and legs. He tried to turn but he crashes and tumbled into a ditch. His house was only about five kilometres away, maybe even less. He could make a run for it. He didn't even know how fast this creature was.
The creature screeched and starts to charge at him. He sprints at full speed to his house.

When he finally got to the house, the lights were off. Was anyone even there?

"Mom?! Hudson?!" No one but a loud bark answered. "Navi!" He runs to his dog, she was an old, brown, Hylian Retriever. He picked up Navi and she let out a groan. "Shhhh!" He plopped her in a safe place as he dials 911. No answer. He heard leaves crunching outside. He checks the window and sees the same figure outside of the window. He starts to panic and quickly tries calling 911 again. Still no answer. "Goddesses!!!!" He takes Navi to the she'd. But something was wrong... The light was flickering. They just changed the bulb, why was it doing this?
Suddenly, the light burned brighter than ever, and Yunobo was gone, everything was back to normal.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The next day

"Where are they?" Yunobo's mother, Eldin, rifles through the couch. Lifting up pillows and cushions and unfolding blankets and tossing them.

"Did you check the couch?" Daruk says while concentrating on making breakfast.

"I just did!" She says before spotting them on the coffee table by the couch. "Oh, for the love of Din..." She sighs in frustration. "Where's Yunobo?" Hudson shrugged "Probably still asleep?" His mother groans and walks quickly to Yunobo's room. No one was there. "He's not there." She says sounding more worried. "He's not in his room?" He puts an omelette on the plate. "No.." She immediately goes to the phone and dials Link's mother.

"Hello? Sonia?" She says in a shakey voice.

"Eldin? Is something wrong?" She gets worried.

"Is Yunobo there?" She wipes a tear from her eye.

"No.." Her heart sank, where is he? "Eldin, is everything alright?" She could feel her heart going one hundred miles per hour.

"You know what? I think he went to school early! Thanks, Saria." She hangs up and sits on the couch burying her head into her hands. "What am I gonna do?" She sobs. Daruk comes over to comfort her. "I'm going to go to the police, okay?" She gets off the couch and grabs her coat. Daruk nods and gives her a hug before she leaves.


Author's Note

So sorry if chapters are short! I just don't remember a lot and also I am watching the show while writing this! The book is about season 1! So next book WILL (STRANGER THINGS PUN!) Be a bit better since I remember the next seasons better! Love you my little rats! 🐀💖

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