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"He didn't mean anything by it, Bells. He doesn't know everything about you" Laura stated as Bella took a swig from the wine bottle the two had resorted to drinking from.

"Stop being rational. Feed my delusions, please" Bella moaned, already more relaxed and giggly due to the wine.

"Someone has to be the rational one in the friendship, babes" Laura laughed, taking the bottle from Bella and drinking from it.

"It's way more fun when you let me be reckless" Bella pouted.

"I'm not gonna let you self sabotage, babe. You know, you do that a lot" Laura said, serious this time.

"Wow, I didn't realize it was time for real talk. Now my feelings are hurt" Bella exclaimed dramatically, taking back the wine bottle from Laura.

As the two girls giggled, Bella sighed as she felt her phone buzzing. She got it out and saw a bunch of texts from Tom.

"God, why is he so clingy?" Bella moaned, laying down on Laura's bed dramatically, not bothering to read the messsges.

"Because he looooves you" Laura laughed, making Bella giggle as well. She was very greatful for Laura, she could always cheer her up but also give her tough love when she needed it.

"I guess I should head back" Bella sighed as the two finally stopped laughing.

"See you tomorrow, babes" Laura exclaimed as Bella walked out of her room and made her way back to her and Tom's room.

It was already 2 am, so she got in quietly, making her way through the living room to her and Tom's room. But he was still wide awake, laying in bed.

"Hi" she breathed out as she plopped down on the bed next to Tom. She frowned as she heard him sniffling and quickly wiping his tears.

"What's wrong?" she immediately asked, wrapping her arms around Tom and laying her head on his chest.

"I'm scared, Bells" Tom whimpered out. She frowned as she squeezed him tighter in her arms.

"Of what? Did you have a bad dream?" she asked, confused about the situation.

"Of losing you. I thought you wanted to leave me tonight" he softly said as he tried to catch his breath, wiping his tears.

"Oh, Tommy. No" she frowned. She felt terrible, that she'd caused him to cry and stress out all night.

"You didn't answer my texts, and I started overthinking and I didn't know where you were-" Tom rambled. Bella stopped him by softly placing her hands on the sides of his face, and kissing his lips softly and slowly.

"I'll always come back, Tommy" she whispered, resting her forehead on his. It was easier to let her emotions show after a bottle of wine.

"Then why'd you snap at me?" Tom softly asked, his thumbs caressing her cheeks as he looked into her eyes.

"Because... I just... I get... Overstimulated" Bella sighed out, closing her eyes in embarrassment.

"What's that mean?" Tom asked softly, his hand going into her hair as she laid her head back down on his chest.

"It's uhm... It's an ADHD thing" she mumbled out, terrified and embarrassed that she was telling him this. But she didn't want to hurt him like she had tonight, ever again.

"Oh" he breathed out, his hands softly brushing through her hair.

"Yeah" she whispered, not moving from his hold.

"Bella?" Tom spoke out, making her hum.

"I need you. Always" he quietly stated, making Bella hold onto him even tighter.

She said nothing as she kissed him again, this time with more passion and urgency. He gently flipped them over.

"Your lips taste so good" Tom mumbled as he kissed down her neck, his hands going to her thighs below the hem of her dress, making her moan softly.

"God, I love the noises you make" he moaned, kissing her thighs. Slowly, he removed her panties before kissing her clit softly, making her whimper impatiently.

"I want to make you come on my tongue" he spoke out before licking her wet cunt, making her let out a loud moan. Her moans and whimpers only grew louder and louder as he lapped her juices with his tongue.

"Let me hear you when you come" Tom moaned out against her, making her pant out his name as she rode out her high on his tongue.

Bella grew confused when Tom only kissed her on the lips lovingly before laying down next to her, wrapping his arms around her.

"But, Tom, you didn't-" she started but Tom shushed her.

"Baby, I wanted to taste you. That's what I needed" he spoke out as he kissed her forehead.

"But-" she started but he cut her off again.

"I enjoy pleasuring you, baby. Don't worry about it. I love you. Now, let's sleep" he spoke out lovingly.

"Oh... Well... Good night" she spoke out confused.

No one had ever wanted to pleasure her without getting something in return. She felt her heart fluttering as she fell asleep in Tom's arms.

Fuck Up The Friendship | Tom BlythWhere stories live. Discover now