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Bella woke up with a headache. She moaned as she cuddled more into the warmth she was feeling. The arms around her tightened. Wait, arms? Bella scrambled to get away from whoever was laying down next to her. The arms only tightened as she heard a man groan next to her.

"Stop moving, Bells" she heard Tom's voice groan huskily. Her eyes widened as she recalled last night's events.

"Tom, you need to go" she said frantically, trying to get out of his arms.

"I thought we were past this" he mumbled, his grip on Bella not budging. She was strong because of her work, but Tom was a lot stronger.

"Fuck, Tom. Please-" she started, making Tom chuckle.

"I remember last night, don't need a recall of the details, baby" he stated, his eyes opening and looking into Bella's.

"Shut the fuck up and get out of my room" Bella stated, growing annoyed of him. How dare he infiltrate her mind, and then stay overnight? Now she wouldn't be able to stop thinking about him all day.

"I thought you agreed to be a good girl" Tom joked, letting out a small laugh.

"Oh, shut up" Bella groaned, embarrassed that she'd even ended up having sex with him again.

"Do you need another lesson in how to behave?" Tom asked huskily, grabbing Bella's chin as he stared into her eyes.

"No" she whimpered out, her breathing becoming heavier.

"Good" he mumbled, letting go of her chin and wrapping his arms back around her.

Bella just wanted to be alone. She had hangover anxiety, and wanted to let it all out alone. And, she was feeling quite nauseous.

"Tom, I think I'm gonna puke" Bella whimpered out, making Tom let go of her as she sprinted to her bathroom, just in time to throw up the alcohol she had consumed last night to numb her feelings.

Bella let out a whimper as she felt Tom sit down next to her on the bathroom floor and gathering her hair gently in his hands, away from her face while she threw up.

"Go away" she mumbled as she flushed the toilet, shivering and covered in cold sweat. Tom said nothing as he picked her up and placed her on the counter, handing her a toothbrush. Bella frowned but brushed her teeth as he watched her. Once she was done, Tom turned on the shower, his hands going to the bottom of a t-shirt she had thrown on before falling asleep. She furrowed her brows in confusion as she saw Tom grinning.

"You look great in my clothes, babe" he smiled.

"I'm not your babe" Bella mumbled as she fought Tom, who was trying to take off her shirt.

"I can shower by myself" she said, annoyed at Tom.

"Shut up. Let me take care of you" he stated, removing her shirt, not eyeing her down like every other man would. Gently, he helped her off the counter and into the shower before removing his own clothes and stepping in after Bella.

"What do you think you're doing?" she askes, her hands going up to cover her boobs.

"Showering" he stated, not paying attention to the fact that Bella was completely naked.

"Get out!" Bella stated, not wanting Tom to get any ideas, or to think that they'd be domestic from now on, showering together and shit.

"No" he stated as he washed his hair, getting out the shampoo bottle and getting some on his hands.

"Turn around" he stated, making Bella huff and cross her arms over her chest as she reluctantly turned around. She hummed in pleasure as she felt Tom's fingers massage the shampoo into her scalp, helping her throbbing headache. He then helped her wash it off.

Once they were finished, he grabbed some clean towels from Bella's counter and wrapping one around her, before covering himself up with one.

"Was that so bad?" he askes, his hand lingering on Bella's bicep.

"No" Bella mumbled, her cheeks reddening at the fact that she was admitting she liked showering with him. Tom broke out into a grin before leading Bella back to her room to get dressed.

He put on his own clothes while he waited as Bella changed in her closet. He felt himself smile as she got out, her hair wet and dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie.

"What are you staring at?" she snarked, once again crossing her arms in defense as she stood in front of Tom.

"Just... You're gorgeous" he smiled, watching as Bella's face went from anger to confusion. He used that in his advantage as he grabbed her and picked her up, plopping them back down on her bed with her laying down on top of him.

"Tom, stop" Bella stated, but Tom could see a small smile playing on her lips.

"Come on, just cuddle with me for a while. I'll give you a head massage, help with the headache" Tom pleaded, watching Bella intently as she laid on top of him.

"Fine" she huffed out, surprising Tom.

So, Tom laid there, enjoying every moment of being close to Bella. His hands were in her hair, massaging her scalp. He knew he was completely and utterly in love with her as he watched her eyes flutter and close, humming as she enjoyed his touch.

Fuck Up The Friendship | Tom BlythWhere stories live. Discover now