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Bella woke up in her bed alone. She felt relieved that Tom was no longer here. She groaned as she got out of bed. Luckily, her hangover had mostly worn off by now. She headed to the kitchen but stopped in her tracks as she heard Rachel and Tom's hushed voices whispering.

"You actually spent the night with her? Twice?" she heard Rachel quietly exclaim. She felt her fists clench in anger as she rounded the corner, crossing her arms over her chest as Tom's eyes froze on her, widened in surprise.

"You actually fucking told her? You really are an asshole" Bella stated, walking past Tom nonchalantly to the coffee maker and getting herself a cup before turning around to face them again.

"I didn't, Bells, I swear-" Tom started to frantically explain himself. Bella cut him off.

"I actually don't care. Get the fuck out of my house" she calmly stated before walking out of the kitchen and into the bedroom, locking the door behind her.

"She'll come around" Rachel said to Tom, gently placing her hand on his arm.

"I dunno, Rach" Tom sighed as he stood at the door.

"I'll explain everything to her, how I caught you sneaking out..." Rachel said, eyeing him worriedly.

"Thanks, Rach" he muttered before walking out the door.

Bella only left her room for food and coffee until she had practice. She knew Tom had texted her, but she did not bother reading the messages. She didn't like that he'd told Rachel of all people what they'd done.

"Girl, you rocked it today" Laura smiled at Bella as they sat in the locker room after practice, Bella taking huge swigs from her water bottle. Today, she had channeled all her rage into doing their cheer perfectly, and she'd succeeded. She felt proud of herself.

"Thanks, Laura" she smiled as she closed her bag.

"Don't forget, we're going out with the hockey team tomorrow" Laura smiled as Bella picked up her things and left the locker room.

"I'll be there!" she yelled back as she left.

Bella was glad the house was silent for once when she came home. Only Rachel was there, reading a book in the living room.

"Bells?" she called out as she saw her walk in, putting her book down.

"Yeah?" she asked, turning around to face her.

"Can we talk?" Rachel asked, furrowing her brows in worry. Bella sighed as she sat down on the couch next to her, dropping her gym bag on the floor.

"So... Tom didn't tell me anything the other day-" Rachel started but Bella cut her off.

"I really don't want to talk about this with you" she stated, picking her bag back up.

"Bella, give him a chance" Rachel pleaded softly.

"It's not like we were dating. Just drop it" she stated before walking to her room, locking her door.

She'd been miserable ever since she kicked him out, but he'd deserved it. Still, he was all she could think about. She decided to allow herself one moment of weakness as she laid down on her bed and opened the messages he'd sent her.

'Bells I swear, I didn't tell her anything'

'Please call me... I need to talk to you'

'Bella, please'

'I'm sorry I upset you. Let me know if I can come over to talk'

Bella sighed as she felt tears burning behind her eyes. Why'd she ever even let him into her head? Bella had never believed in love, no other person was worth all the hurt and the hassle. Maybe tomorrow she'd finally be able to get him off her mind for good. She'd always had a thing for hockey players after all.

Fuck Up The Friendship | Tom BlythWhere stories live. Discover now