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DAVID: "Hey. Ain't there alternatives to getting any of these?"

SALES REP: "Ah, indeed! While these treasures are not available for purchase at the moment, they will be featured in an auction five years hence. Only then might you secure the one you covet, sir. Alternatively, if patience eludes you, feel free to peruse our selection of other items outside the glass enclosure," she proposed, her words offering a glimpse of hope and alternative options.

DAVID: "Hmm. Perhaps I can offer a suggestion for some improvisation?"

Reaching into his side pocket, David retrieved his family's exclusive diamond card, placing it on the sales rep's counter with a sense of quiet confidence.

The card was a rare and prestigious item, reserved for the wealthiest of families and individuals. It granted access to exclusive assets and unlimited funds from the user's account, a symbol of unparalleled luxury and privilege.

SALES REP: "[Expresses shock by David's actions.] I... I'm sorry, sir, but as I mentioned earlier, these instruments are considered priceless and not currently for sale," the sales representative reiterated, her tone conveying a mix of awe and bewilderment at his proposal.

DAVID: "Understandable, but you also did mention that it will be available for claim in the next five years to come, isn't that right?"

SALES REP: "Yes but...!"

DAVID: "[Interrupts the sales rep.] ...Regardless, they'll be sold eventually. Here, take this exclusive debit card - it holds priceless assets. You can have it, use it to your heart's content, in exchange for that whistle," David bargained.

The sales rep's mind whirled with incredulity as she processed the astonishing exchange unfolding before her. A diamond card, laden with exclusive privileges and rare assets, offered in exchange for a mere whistle? This was a transaction beyond the bounds of her wildest imaginings.

As she grappled with the surreal nature of the situation, doubts crept into her thoughts like tendrils of uncertainty. Who was this enigmatic individual standing before her, wielding such unfathomable wealth and power?

With a sense of urgency, she resolved to verify the authenticity of the card, recognizing the need to navigate the labyrinth of truth amidst the haze of disbelief.

SALES REP: "Um, very well, sir. However, before we proceed, may I ask to verify the authenticity of this card?" she inquired of David, her tone calm yet tinged with a hint of suspicion.

DAVID: "Be my guest," he encouraged her.

The card was entrusted to a seasoned professional, tasked with the solemn duty of scrutinizing its assets and verifying its authenticity. After a brief interlude filled with anticipation, the expert returned, their nod of approval serving as the seal of legitimacy for the coveted diamond card.

With the weight of uncertainty lifted, the sales rep breathed a sigh of relief, eager to extend her sincerest apologies to David and Aurora for the initial inconvenience. With a renewed sense of enthusiasm, she beckoned them forward, extending a warm invitation to peruse the array of instruments and delights awaiting them within the confines of the mall.

Once more, David's resourcefulness and grace under pressure left Aurora in awe, a newfound admiration blooming within her heart. She gazed upon him with a mixture of reverence and yearning, finding herself captivated by his handsome looks and charisma.

Unbeknownst to her conscious mind, she had unwittingly ignited a flicker of something deeper within her soul.

Her eyes danced with delight as she accepted the bird-shaped instrumental whistle into her hands, marveling at its exquisite craftsmanship and the velvety touch of its surface. With a tender reverence, she cradled the whistle, savoring the weight of its significance in her palm.

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