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Back at Beverly Hills, L.A, the Chaos Force had been keeping a low profile ever since the fall of the Scale Shield.

Modred and his sorcerer minions hid within the cities of Los Angeles, unwilling to cause any commotion that might draw unwanted attention to themselves.

But despite maintaining a low profile, Modred had not been idle. He had been quietly directing his minions to carry out secret and covert missions, which involved espionage and gathering valuable intelligence that could help him gain a better understanding of the current situation.

He stood at the altar of chaos, meditating on the forbidden scriptures of the Serpent's Breath. Three other magic books revolved around him as he grasped and comprehended their twisted spells.

As the designated successor to the Supreme Mage, Modred knew he needed to master as many powerful spells as possible to secure his position as the ultimate ruler. With this knowledge, he would be able to eliminate any obstacles that stood in his way.

As he delved deeper into his studies, two of his sorcerer minions suddenly materialized before him, dropping to one knee and lowering their heads as a sign of respect.

Three months had passed since Modred received news of David and the Behuga's demise during the fall of the Scale Shield organization.

At first, the sorcerer had appeared pleased upon hearing the news, but two months later, he found himself plagued by a sense of emptiness and unease. It was not because he missed David, but rather because his lifelong adversary had not met his end by his own hand, leaving him with a sense of unfulfillment.

However, Modred also believed David was an unpredictable foe and that the little possibility of him surviving the explosion was arguable.

To confirm his suspicion, the sorcerer dispatched two minions from the Chaos Force, disguised in appearance, to investigate the incident.

Their mission was to go to the dilapidated building of the Scale Shield organization in Hidden Hills City and confirm the presence of David's remains. If they found his body, they were to retrieve and return it to the Chaos Force's settlement. This way, Modred would be certain that his lifelong enemy was indeed dead.

Acknowledging the presence of his minions, Modred halted what he was doing and faced them.

SORCERER: "Greetings master!"

MODRED: "Where is the body?" Modred questioned directly, his voice tinged with irritation.

SORCERER: "W-We did as you instructed and breached the walls of the fallen building. But unfortunately, there was no trace of the body." The sorcerers paled in fear as they answered.

Hearing such feedback from his minions, Modred roared in anger and with it, a mighty bolt of lightning followed suit and struck the ground before the two kneeling sorcerers.

The two minions flinched in fear at their master's hostile reaction while staring with terrified gazes at the wrecked floor, where the lightning had landed.

MODRED: "Bastards! This is not enough proof to confirm if that little piece of shit actually survived the explosion. Out there, everyone believes that David Blaze's body was pulverized by the explosion's impact. Do you expect me to believe that piece of crap?
"If you both are telling me that you didn't find something truly reliable, then I might as well just pulverize you both just like the damned rumored news!" Modred threatened, his face twisted with a scowl.

The two minions became soaked with terror after hearing their master's hostile words. However, with a weak reply, one of them finally mustered the courage to speak.

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