Chris Is Looking Gorgeous!

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Chris: *combing her hair*

Me: I love your your outfit!

Chris: Thanks, babe! *wearing a blue dress* Now to put on my beautiful, shiny thigh high boots! *sits down, and puts on her boots barefoot, and zips them up*

Me: Those boots are gorgeous on your feet!

Chris: Thank you! *blows me a kiss*

Me: And, the lipstick you applied is as red as a cherry on an ice cream sundae!

Chris: Dude, you're the coolest! I'm so glad we became friends! Let's dance! *puts on some music*

Me: *dances with Chris*

Chris: *dances with me in her thigh high boots*

Radio: *playing Cotton Eye Joe*

This story was written on Monday, February 5th, 2024.

A/N Chris is so gorgeous!!! Her thigh high boots are beautiful!! ❤️🔥 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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