Inner Critic It's Just Pizza! 🙄

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Marjorie: I got you a pizza from Pizza Queen, IC.

Inner Critic: *wild* Oh wow!!!! Yes!!!!

Marjorie: It's only pizza. *nonplussed*

Inner Critic: *still bonkers* Pizza!!!!

Marjorie: Can you simmer down, please?

Inner Critic: *does a happy dance*

And--here-we-are: *uses her magic wand to make IC disappear*

Inner Critic: *disappears in a puff of smoke*

And--here-we-are: It's our pizza now!

Marjorie: Yup! *grabs two slices of pepperoni pizza*

Me: *grabs two slices of pepperoni pizza*

And--here-we-are: *grabs two slices of pepperoni pizza*

This story was written on Wednesday, February 28th, 2024.

A/N Inner Critic making a big scene over pizza! He was acting downright foolish! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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