You Will Be Found

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Trigger warning: Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, 

Please, just be careful with yourselves, I care about anyone who would spend even a second to click on this, and I can gurantee you are loved, even if you cannot feel it, nor see it. 

I am avaliable at any time, we may not know you, but we refuse to lose you.

I care.

We care.

You can also text or call 988 (or text SHOUT to 85258 in the UK)

Now go have fun with this Squippy angst.


Squip did not expect to be... well... here.

Nor did he expect to have made contact with Jeremy when he pushed him.

Both of these things had happened, and now he sat—like a human—on ground that felt solid and damp beneath him. Jeremy's head was resting on the tree Squip had guided him against—yes guided, like with his hands which made contact with his host—while Squip sat awkwardly beside. Dew was soaking up from the icy ground into his pants where he sat and he could feel the mulch and damp grime sticking to him.

These were the things he chose to focus on. Instead of Jeremy, and the fact that there nearly hadn't been anymore of him. Jeremy, and the realisation that Squip, while he had gotten Jeremy accepting friends and a real father, had almost been the reason that those friends and his father lost him.

He thought about this as he had guided Jeremy onto the tree he now sat propped against. Slowly the boy, shaking and sobbing having somewhat subsided, began to crack open an eye.

Earlier as Jeremy quaked and writhed in anguish Squip had been hesitantly playing with Jeremy's brain chemistry, sending small pulsing signals to his hypothalamus to reduce activity of the adrenal glands, and attempting to raise serotonin levels.

He was both afraid to stop and afraid to be discovered in his tampering. He let go of the connection in Jeremy's brain and allowed things to slow naturally.


Jeremy's breathing was shallow but slowing as he peered around the clearing of the park they lay in. Cars still ripped past on the highway a few metres away, making the both of them flinch.


It seemed Jeremy had much to let out in terms of profanity, especially toward the Squip, so he let him, sitting with a neutral expression as Jeremy shouted his soul out in the park. It was better for him than bottling it up, or suffocating in that malicious numbness that had overtaken him over the past what seemed like eternity.

"Why are you just sitting there with that smug little—"

"What would you prefer, Jeremy? I am giving you time to air out your righteous indignation via loud profane expression, this is a favourite of many males, especially of your age"

"You destroyed my life! You—you—you..." Jeremy's tears began to spill over his lids again and as soon as it had arrived his anger was morphing back into what it truly was. Sadness. Fear. "All I wanted was to fit in, and you nearly—you took—you—you nearly took everything from me"

His voice was cracking with tears and the sound left a hollow feeling in the Squip's chest. Strange. Uncomfortable. Squip needed to halt this immediately.

"But you overcame Jeremy, you overcame that and you will overcome this" Squip was in dangerously uncharted waters. He could read Jeremy's mannerisms and thoughts like a book due to his programming, but he was hopelessly lost on the delivery of what his code told him to be the right choice, the right answer. It wasn't even as simple as reading it off, his code was like a 'gut instinct' he supposed, it made him him, but he also wasn't always aware of what exactly his subconscious was suggesting he do.

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