Chapter Ten: Ducky MoMo

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I posted a picture of Mr. Young's car. Because why not? 


I have always liked steak.

In fact, my family always has those really expensive steaks at least once a week. Even though some steaks are expensive, we still manage to buy more affordable meats.

I don't have anything against vegetarians or vegans, but seriously meat is on the food pyramid, you should try it.

When I attended this camp for rich kids, I was expecting different foods for each day or even a choice of different foods. What we were given, instead, was sandwiches.

With no meat.

It was literally mayonnaise, cheese, and a few vegetables.

We had sandwiches for lunch and sandwiches for a snack.

Who has a sandwich for a snack?

Tonight's dinner was a teensy bit different, but not much better. Again I have nothing against animal worshipers but do not force your "healthy choice of food" on my lifestyle.

I am a proud hunter for life, but I have pets. Well, just Fiona. I guess if you count Barry, Logan's Golden Retriever, then I have two pets.

I love animals! Some keep me company, while others feed my family.

Let's just say that tonight, I did not enjoy my meal.

Veggie burgers: probably the most disgusting thing I have ever put in my mouth. Whoever made them must have been obsessed with vegetables. Like, "Oh I love me some veggies mmm. I'm going to mash a bunch of shit vegetables together in the form of a pattie and then I'm going to put more veggies on top"!

They taste like salty sawdust.

Of course, they didn't give a thousand teenagers each just a small burger that I can fit in my palm. We had a side of soggy carrot sticks too.

"I cannot do this," I say, gagging down a soggy carrot. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want the cheese-o sandwiches back."

"Fuck that," Peter scowled at his burger and dropped it back on his tray. "As soon as I get home I am firing up the grill and making some real food!"

Peter stands up and tosses his tray into the trash bins closest to us. "I'm going to go shower and then sleep away my hunger."

I nod in agreement, spitting the mushy carrot back onto my tray and threw it in the bin.

Peter was already gone and when I look back at the table, the only people there are Logan and Jake and they are just staring at their trays full of poison.

I decided to just shower and sleep.

I just walked into the girls' locker room when I saw Hailee was walking around. In the nude.

"What the hell? Cover your shit, Hailee!" I hissed and covered my eyes.

I have seen many gross things in my short life. I have watched gruesome horror movies and Supernatural. I have even walked in on Logan and I cannot unsee what has been seen by my virgin eyes.

We don't like to talk about that day.

Watching Hailee strut around the girls' locker room naked, like she owns the place, was something I will kill to erase from my mind. But the image is still there. Clear as day. It is now welded to a part of my brain that I'd like to rip out and throw into the Bermuda Triangle.

"Oh you're just jealous of what you don't have," Hailee smirks and starts drying off.

Still covering my eyes, I run to the very last shower and pull the curtain closed.

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