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its dark and cold as i step outside my cabin— i needed to clear my head so— i decided to go on a walk. i zip up my jacket as i start to walk with a shiver. i hear footsteps ahead of me and quickly hide behind a tree thinking it might be a counselor— luke maybe. he would get so mad if he saw me out this late— he's basically my older brother and very over protective. "basically" because me and my real brother haven't talked in years so hes kinda filled that spot for me.

i recognize the figure, its percy. i glance around making sure no one else is watching, when i realize no one is, i follow percy, intrigued.

where is he going this late at night?

i follow him all the way to the bathroom and notice clarisse and her gang behind him. i stand at the bathroom door, observing, 

"every new kid shows up here and they think they're special" she steps forward in a menacing manner. "do you think you're special?"

"no" percy responds. clarisse's friends walk over towards percy and lift him by his upper arms. he tried to break from their grasp but struggled— they were too strong.

"tell me you made everything up about the minotaur, and ill let you go" clarisse says as she crosses her arms.

"i didn't make anything up" i hear him say. i" should help" him i think— 

clarisse got visibly more angry pointing to an open stall. clarisse's friends lurched him into the stall forcing his head into the toilet.

"some kids gotta learn the hard way" she says. before i know it three water tentacles burst from the toilet bowl sending her friends flying. "what?" i think. clarisse and her friends were  drenched— percy completely dry. clarisse glared at percy, and her and her gang walked out.

percy walks out of the stall a bit confused and i lean on the side of the door.

"i can explain-" he starts, i shake my head, "no you cant"

"okay-" he says and then pauses, "wait i know you- he continues. "no you don't" i cross my arms. "yeah but- you were there- the night in the infirmary, and i saw you down at archery. no point in lying now,

"okay yeah- im ember" something which he already knew from what luke told him.

"are you stalking me, ember?" i furrow my brows a bit and lick my lips, "yes."

"o-kay... why?" he asks me. "to be honest i don't really know-"

"what do you mean you dont know?" he steps forward, "i was told to keep an eye on you."


"honestly this wasn't intentional i was just out for a walk- but i'm glad i followed you. i needed to see something like this happen to know if you could help me" i say referring to annabeth's plan.

"help you... do what?"

"win capture the flag." i take another step forward and adjust his jacket that is falling off his shoulder.

a/n i know these chaps have been super short but they get longer as we go trusttt, <33

𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐀, 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now