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percy flipped through pages of a book, "hermes express, she ships these things all over— some of it goes to hades." i look at grover, "percy i don't think you can ship the head to olympus—"

"why not?" he questions me, leaning forward on the table furrowing his eyes— which for some reason really caught my attention...

"the gods aren't gonna like that—"

"yeah at all— at all, at all." grover adds. "why? that's what you do with dangerous stuff. like batteries, you just send them back where they came from." percy's analogy leaves a small smile on my face.

"look—" percy starts as he slams a cardboard box on the table placing medusa's head in it. "it'll be fine, besides—" percy walks over to me as he finishes his sentence. "this way, part of your mom is still with us." he says as he hooks my necklace back onto my neck from behind me, moving my hair out of the way delicately. when he's done i turn around to face him.

i look up at him, "thank you." i tell him softly not being able to peel my eyes away from his. his very blue eyes, i never realized how much they looked and felt like the ocean before. his expression was soft and warm— its just something about him, that look. he's different. he feels different.

for once in my life i don't feel used or belittled and let me tell you— it's a nice feeling.

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i've never really realized how genuinely pretty she is until now— i mean sure yeah she's the daughter of aphrodite but— it's different. its different than that. 

"so this isn't exactly what i meant— by choosing each other." grover says interrupting my gaze. i quickly make my way back to the box, taping it up. "there are actual dangers involved that cannot be—" i cut him off by clapping knowing where he was going. 

"you're gonna sing the song, aren't you" he says, i look at ember and she smiles at me, "oh golly the roads gettin' bumpy—" i sing.

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i lie awake on the train not being able to sleep— im just feeling a little anxious. it was cold and a bit bumpy. percy's voice startles me a little, "you awake?" he whispers, "im awake" i whisper back. "cant sleep?" i ask him, "nightmare, you?" 

"i don't know— i just, cant." i say and its silent for a moment, i think he could hear i was a little anxious from my shaky voice i tried to maintain—obviously it didn't work very well. i hear percy russell in his bed. he makes his way taking a few steps towards my bed, (due to how close the beds were in the first place) and gets under my covers. i look at him observing as he gets settled.

his actions were unexpected, i didn't expect him to do that. i mean— i'm not upset that he did, he was honestly a little warm. "can i ask you something?" i turn over to face him, "why'd you chose me?"

"what do you mean?" his voice was soft and gentle. "annabeth was so sure that— you would chose me, and— you did." the way his headf turns, i feel like i was watching gears in his head turn.

"i don't know- i knew i should— something inside me told me i should. it just felt right." he told me. no one's ever said anything like that to me, it made me feel important or— wanted. a feeling that was so unfamiliar to me.

i analyze the features of his face as i smile at him. the moonlight from the window hits his face so perfectly outlining his features that were so god like. a curl hitting his forehead. 

"your really cold." he tells me in the same soft and gentle tired tone as he did before., "i know"

"we should get some sleep" i tell him, "yeah" even though i was really enjoying his presence i knew it was late. i take a breath before whispering a "goodnight" to him.

"goodnight, em" i lightly smiled at the name he called me softly closing my eyes finally feeling like i am able to sleep with him here. i think i've started to feel safe around him.

a/n EEK this train scene is so special to me and i love how oblivious they are 😭😭😭 next few chapters are gonna be so fun, tysm for reading. leave a vote and a comment! <3

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