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it was barely sunrise when i jolted awake, the sound of something crashing alarmed me. as i sit up in the bed i look over to percy sleeping peacefully, his expression is soft. i smile at him softly and step out of bed, making my way towards the seats. i sit down at the seat closest to the window— observing the outside when a voice interrupts my thoughts, 

"ember." its percy. i look at him, "everything okay?" he slowly asks me as he sits down beside me, "yeah, im fine— seaweed brain" his head tilts to the side a little not believing what i had said, slightly smiling at what i had just called him. percy and i sit in comfortable silence for a moment. i gently lay my head on his shoulder, feeling like i don't need to say anything else— feeling like he just understands.

it was nice to be with percy, be in his presence— when were not running from monsters or outwitting them. not worrying about too many things at once. it's important to cherish those moments, cus they definitely won't last forever– and honestly, im worried about him. 

once again, my thoughts are interrupted, this time it's by grover who walks in and sits across from us. i lift my head from percy's should as grover speaks, "two days until we reach los angeles. plenty of time before our deadline to reach the underworld."

"can i ask a dumb question?" percy's asks, "go for it, seaweed brain." i say slightly making fun of him, "shoot" grover tell him. "i've never been to los angeles before, i'm guessing neither of you have been to los angeles? so how will we have any idea of where we're going?" percy questions.

"no idea." grover exclaims, percy looks at me confused, "but thats— like step 37 and were still on step 4. cross that bridge when we get there." he adds. "follow up stupid question—" percy's starts and i lightly laugh at him again, "and you shall fail to save what matters most in the end." he quotes the oracle, "back in jersey i told you that the oracle said that this quest would fail, and no ones mentioned it since. seems like something we oughta be taken more seriously..." he trails off at the end peering out the window.

"h-hey— look at that, are those..." percy takes our attention to what's outside the window, "centaurs." i finish for him. he turns his head to look behind him for a moment, "no one even knows they're there." i watch him observe the people in the train— completely oblivious to what was outside.

"there used to be heards of them everywhere." grover spoke, percy looks at him, "what happened to them?"

"humans." i answered for grover, percy looking looking down at me from beside, "a few thousand years ago, the gods of the wild— pan, disappeared. and, ever since without pan to protect the natural world, humans have been trying really hard to chip away at it." grover continued.

"the bravest satyrs volunteer to become searchers, trying to find pan. none of them have returned." i finished, telling percy. "your uncle we found at medusas, ferdinand, he was a searcher?" he asked and grover nodded peering out the window,

"look percy—" i start, trying to change the subject. "i dont think thats what the oracle meant, 'fail to save what matters most in the end.' it could mean— a lot of different things. that's how prophecies work, how— fate works." grover looks at me and i'd say we're both thinking about the same exact thing right now, what annabeth told us— about percy, about me. i brush it off, "the harder you work to understand, the harder it gets, percy. stop worrying about it, okay? you have to let it play out how its supposed to play out. everything happens for a reason." i finish telling him when a man interrupts us, 

"excuse me, can i see your tickets please?" it was an officer. grover pulls them out of his pocket and hands it to the man. "you're in cabin 17b?" he asks us, i'm confused.

the man leads us to our cabin, it being completely torn up and ruined. there's a huge hole in the wall, "you wanna explain?" the man asks us.

a/n EEEK we finally got seaweed brain and stargirl!! so excited for next few chaps, hope u enjoyed!!

𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐀, 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now