Chapter 2

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Lily POV

Lunchtime at Crestwood Heights High is prime gossip hour. Today, I've got the juiciest bit yet. I saunter over to my crew, already gathered and waiting for the scoop.

"Guess what?" I start, dropping my bag with a flourish. "Our new librarian? British. And hot."

Eyebrows lift. Interest is piqued. "No way," says Jess, skeptical. "Librarians are supposed to be boring."

"Not this one," I insist. "He's like a character straight out of a British drama. Tall, dark, and yes, very handsome."

"Details, Lily," demands Vanessa. She loves a good crush saga.

"He's got this accent," I continue, drawing them in. "And he's all polite and charming. Plus, he actually knows about books. Not just old stuff but the cool, spooky mysteries I love."

"Sounds like your type," teases Jess.

I roll my eyes but can't hide my smile. "Maybe. But we've got to see him in action. Let's spy on him after lunch."

The plan is set. We're finishing our meals with record speed. Excitement buzzes among us. It's not just about seeing Mr. Henderson. It's about breaking the monotony of school life.

We make our way to the library, trying to blend in. It's not easy. We're the it crowd, and we stand out. But today, we're on a mission.

The library is quiet, peaceful. Mr. Henderson is there, of course. He's shelving books, completely unaware of the attention he's attracting.

We pretend to browse the shelves, throwing glances his way. He really is as handsome as I said. Even my friends, initially doubtful, are now nodding in agreement.

"I told you," I whisper, feeling a mix of pride and a weird flutter in my stomach.

Jess is bold, walking closer under the guise of needing a book. She asks Mr. Henderson a question, and we watch, pretending to be engrossed in titles we've pulled randomly from the shelves.

His voice carries over, that accent making even the most mundane library policy sound interesting. Jess returns, grinning. "He's even hotter up close," she confirms.

We giggle, our mission accomplished but our interest in Mr. Henderson only heightened. As we leave the library, our conversation is lively, filled with plans to visit more often.

"Library's going to be our new spot," declares Vanessa.

I agree, already thinking of excuses to talk to Mr. Henderson again. My initial crush is now a full-blown intrigue, fueled by the excitement of my friends.

As the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch, we part ways, our steps lighter, our day brightened by our little adventure.

The rest of the day is a blur. I'm thinking about Mr. Henderson, about our next encounter. I'm the popular girl, used to getting what I want. But this feels different. It's not just a crush; it's a challenge.

I lay in bed that night, my mind racing. Tomorrow, I decide, I'll go back. Alone this time. I'll talk to him, really talk to him. Not as a student to a librarian, but as Lily to Oakley.

This crush, this silly schoolgirl crush, has taken on a life of its own. But I'm ready to see where it leads. After all, I'm Lily Harper. And I love a good challenge.

Oakley POV

The Crestwood Heights library is usually a place of quiet study and reflection, but today it feels different. Lily Harper and her friends have just walked in, their presence filling the room with a new kind of energy. They're not the typical patrons I'm used to; their laughter and chatter stand out against the backdrop of silent readers.

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