Chapter 5

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Zack's POV

School's never felt so unwelcome before. Walking through Crestwood High's doors this morning, there's a chill in the air that's got nothing to do with the weather. I'm trying to shake off the dread when Zoe finds me by my locker, her eyes wide, her voice a whisper.

"Zack, something happened to Mr. Henderson," she starts, glancing around like she's afraid of being overheard. Her words send a shiver down my spine.

"What do you mean? What happened?" I ask, lowering my voice to match hers.

Before she can answer, Lily, of all people, sidles up to us. "What's going on?" she asks, curiosity piqued. I shoot Zoe a look, wondering if we should continue with Lily here.

"It's Mr. Henderson," Zoe says, undeterred. "He... it wasn't him anymore."

Lily laughs, but there's an edge to it. "What, did Mr. Henderson turn into a monster overnight? Is he still hot, though?"

Zoe's frustration is palpable. "I'm serious, Lily. Something's wrong with him."

I'm torn between skepticism and the earnest fear in Zoe's eyes. "Zoe, that's a bit out there, even for Crestwood," I say, trying to keep the conversation grounded.

But Zoe's insistent. "You didn't see him, Zack. Something... something went through him. And when he got up, his eyes... there was something evil in them."

Lily rolls her eyes but seems a bit less sure of herself. "You saw this? For real?" Her tone's changed, curiosity now mixed with a hint of concern.

"Yes," Zoe says, her voice barely above a whisper. "And I don't think we're safe. Any of us."

The warning hangs heavy between us. The bustling hallway, filled with the sounds of lockers slamming and distant laughter, suddenly feels too loud, too normal. How can everything just go on when there's a shadow hanging over us?

"Okay, Zoe," I say, trying to sound more confident than I feel. "Let's say something happened to Mr. Henderson. What do we do?"

Zoe looks between Lily and me, her resolve hardening. "We find out what got to him. Before it's too late."

Lily snorts, but it's half-hearted. "This is Crestwood. Weird shit happens all the time. But possessed librarians? That's new."

Despite the situation, I almost smile. Trust Lily to find the humor, however dark it might be. But looking at Zoe's face, the gravity of the situation sinks in. This isn't just another Crestwood legend. It's happening here and now, to someone we know.

"Alright," I finally say, the weight of leadership settling on my shoulders. "Let's figure this out. Together."

Zoe nods, a flicker of relief in her eyes. Lily shrugs, her casual demeanor not quite masking the concern beneath. "Count me in. But if this turns into some horror movie scenario, I'm out," she half-jokes.

We agree to meet after school, to try and piece together what's happening. As the bell rings, signaling the start of another day, I can't help but feel like we're stepping into unknown territory. The halls of Crestwood High have never felt so ominous, the laughter of students never so hollow.

Zoe's warning echoes in my mind as I head to class, the sense of foreboding growing with each step. Whatever's happening to Mr. Henderson, whatever Zoe saw, it's just the beginning. And I can't shake the feeling that we're in way over our heads.

Jess' POV

Stepping into the library, I'm fueled by a mix of irritation and a strange pull towards Mr. Henderson. Despite the shutdown last time, I can't help but want to understand him more, maybe even break through that stern exterior.

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