Chapter 14

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Oakley's POV

Gathered in the dim light of our makeshift safehouse, the air is heavy with the resolve and fatigue of those who have fought too long. Vanessa and Lily listen intently as I outline a strategy that feels more like a final stand than a plan. The Master's grip tightens with each passing day, and if we are to reclaim any semblance of the lives we once knew, we must act now.

"I've been thinking hard about this—how we can stop the Master," I begin, capturing their full attention. "His strength is tied to his physical form. If we break that anchor, we can force him out of this world."

Vanessa leans forward, her eyes sharp. "How do we break this anchor?"

"The Master's form was conjured through an ancient ritual. We need to perform a counter-ritual to reverse it," I explain, feeling the weight of our previous failures. "This requires three key components: an artifact from the original summoning, something personal from his past, and a conduit that shares his spiritual essence."

Lily's brow furrows in concern. "Where will we find these things?"

"The ceremonial dagger used in his summoning is likely still in his stronghold," I say, thinking about the imposing fortress that now blights Crestwood. "As for something personal, any of his former belongings will do—perhaps stored among his effects. The hardest part is the conduit. It has to be someone linked to him, perhaps psychically."

"And you think that's you?" Vanessa's voice is tinged with worry.

Nodding, I admit, "Yes. My connection during captivity... It's risky, but it makes me the best candidate to link the ritual to him."

Silence hangs heavy for a moment as the implications of my potential sacrifice settle among us.

Lily reaches across the table, her touch grounding. "It's incredibly dangerous, Oakley. Are you sure?"

"There's no certainty in any of this," I reply. "But it's the only plan that has a chance of working. We've been reactive for too long. It's time to take the fight to him."

"How do we even get into the stronghold?" Vanessa asks, practical as ever.

"Stealth is our best approach. We can't outfight his forces, but we might outsmart them. Night infiltration, maybe even using the catacombs for cover. We'll need to be quick and quiet," I detail, imagining each phase.

Vanessa nods slowly, her resolve firming. "When do we start?"

"Tomorrow night. We prepare during the day and move after dark," I state decisively. "Every moment we delay, he grows stronger."

As we disperse to catch a few hours of uneasy sleep, the reality of our undertaking looms large. But amidst the fear, a fierce joy kindles within me. After years of being hunted, of hiding and running, we're finally taking the fight back to where it all began. For Zoe, for Jess, for all we've lost, this ends now.

Or we die trying.

Lily's POV

In the flickering light of our cramped hideout, the shadows seem to stretch and whisper of the coming darkness. My heart is heavy with a resolve born of desperation and loss. I glance at Vanessa, her face set with a determination that belies the fear I know churns beneath. Oakley is elsewhere, making final preparations, and I realize this might be our last quiet moment before everything ends—one way or another.

"Vanessa," I start, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside, "you know this plan... there's a real chance we won't come back from this."

She nods, her eyes meeting mine, fierce and unflinching. "I know, Lily. But we have to do this. For everyone we've lost."

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