(Rewrite) Chapter 11: Two at Once

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((This chapter includes 'slight' cringe. (Transfur thingy on a limb) Just a heads up. Oh yeah, sorry for not getting this out sooner, I know 6 days isn't that much of a wait..but..yea. I'll try to get chapter 12 out faster than it took for this one to release.))

"What can I say? I'm the best prankster here. Sebastian doesn't have shit on me!" Dr. L exclaims, with pride. "Who..?" I ask. "Uhhh...just another regular ol guard. He pulls off more crazy pranks than me, but I pull off the better ones." Dr. L says. Suddenly, a familiar voice from Dr. L's radio speaks up.

"I've got eyes! Got eyes on 43! I'm currently in pursui- OH F-" The voice exclaims, before coming to a halt. I felt like I knew the person on the other end, as slowly lifted my head up to Dr. L, as he lowers his head down to me, and we both make direct eye contact. "Was that Kai?" Dr. L asks. "..I..I think so.." I reply. "Alright Rita, we're going to find Kai and make sure he's okay." Dr. L says. "Isn't that the guard's jobs? ALSO my job?" Rita asks. "Yeah, it is, but I honestly could care less!" Dr. L replies, hurriedly running off with me.

I hear several panicked voices coming from Dr. L's radio, as we run through the hallways of the facility. "WHERE IS KAI! WHERE IS HE!" Dr. L yells into his radio. "Stay calm, we're trying to figure it out." A voice on the other end of his radio says. We finally reach a large gate close to the cafeteria entrance. "The..the crystal cave! We need to check here first! It's the only logical area that 43 would be in! And if we find 43, we find Kai!" Dr. L exclaims.

Dr. L presses a large button next to the gate, as it slowly opens. "Stick with me, Wesson! We're not splitting up!" Dr. L exclaims. "..y-yeah..okay.." I reply. As the gate fully opens, cold air hits my skin. I see beautiful blue crystals inside, with the largest ones catching my eye. The shimmering noises they make..how..unique it looks..but that's besides the point. Right now, we're supposed to find Kai.

"KAI! WHERE ARE YOU!" Dr. L yells through the cave, echoing. We get no reply. "Alright then...c'mon, let's go find him." Dr. L says, motioning for me to follow behind him. We walk through the caves, trying to find Kai. Suddenly, a kaiju who I presume is subject 43, jumps from behind a crystal, onto Dr. L. I'm frozen in shock, as he fights for his life. I grab a metal bat on a shelf, and swing as hard as I can on 43's side. 43 tumbles over onto the ground, as Dr. L pulls out his colt python, and aims it at 43. "Thanks." Dr. L says. "..y-yeah..no p-problem.." I say, shivering at what had just happened.

Dr. L presses a button on his radio. "I got on 43. Repeat, got eyes on 43. Crystal cave, near the uh..shelf with the vending machine." Dr. L says into his radio. I watch as 43 writhes in pain, from the hit I took on them. 43 yells and curses, but I have the feeling I am the only one that can hear them. "Find Kai." Dr. L says. I frantically look around for Kai, until I see him. He lays on the floor, unconscious. I take notice of his right arm, which has that part of the hazmat suit torn off, replaced with red fur. "D-dr. L!" I exclaim, taken back. "What. I'm trying to- Oh no..no..not him too..god..." Dr. L says.

"What do we do?!" I exclaim. "Fuck. Uhhh...use your syringe on his arm. I have plenty more of them." Dr. L says. I take out the syringe out of my pocket, stabbing it into his infected arm and injecting the liquid into it. I then pull the syringe out, as Kai jolts up. "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SH- ..oh." Kai says, getting off of the ground. "Don't be alarmed, but you should look at your arm." Dr. L says. "What? What do you- oh. My. God." Kai says, too shocked to speak. He raises his right arm up, looking at it, and clenching his paw, then releasing. "Shit..this is real..not good.." Kai says.

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