6. Underneath the desk.

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I took a deep breath as Liam, and I entered the quiet conference room designated for Mr. Beaumont's negotiations. Liam looked rather calm and determined compared to me who was his attorney that looked quite tense.

He then offered me a reassuring nod before taking our place across from Mr. Beaumont and his attorney, Mark.

Maintaining my composure, I addressed Mr. Beaumont and Mark. "Thank you for having us," I said, my voice steady and professional. "We're here today to discuss potential negotiations and explore options for resolving this matter of lawsuit for intellectual property theft amicably."

"I'm very much interested to see what evidence does your client have against my client, Mr. Beaumont. I know my client is a dedicated businessman based on hardwork not theft. You coming here to prove such rubbish claims is taking up quite my clients time." Mark confidently chuckles.

I maintained my composure, meeting Mark's gaze squarely. "We beg to differ, Mark," I countered calmly. "We have substantial evidence indicating otherwise. The timing of the release of Mr. Beaumont's luxurious hotel in Bermuda aligns too closely with the theft of our client's proprietary information to be mere coincidence. The similarities between Mr. Beaumont's hotel and Mr. Steele's chain are undeniable."

Mark shook his head dismissively. "Coincidence doesn't equal proof, Quinn. You'll need more than circumstantial evidence if you want to pursue this any further."

I resisted the urge to react impulsively, reminding myself to stay focused and methodical. "We're prepared to present our evidence in court if necessary," I replied firmly. "But we're also open to exploring settlement options that fairly compensate our client for the damages caused."

"Attorney Quinn," Attorney Mark began, his voice strained, "this is quite a serious accusation you're making. Are you sure you have evidence to back it up?"

I nodded, maintaining my composure. "Yes, Attorney Mark. We have substantial evidence linking the blueprint theft to Mr. Beaumont's hotel in Bermuda. The timing and similarities are too significant to ignore."

"Hence the reason why my client is seeking to resolve this problematic situation before it ends up in court and in public domain for a substantial amount of five million dollars." I asserted.

Mr. Beaumont remained silent; his jaw clenched as he avoided eye contact.

Attorney Mark exchanged a quick glance with his client before turning back to me. "Well, if you have evidence, let's see it," he said, his tone skeptical.

"I appreciate your concern, Mark," I said calmly, meeting his gaze steadily. "Rest assured, we have evidence to back our claim."

In reality, I didn't have concrete evidence, but I hoped to bait them into revealing something incriminating. As I made the statement, I observed Mark and Mr. Beaumont closely. There was a sudden shift in their demeanor, a subtle tension creeping into the room.

I nodded, maintaining my facade of confidence. With deliberate movements, I reached into my briefcase and retrieved a folder. Placing it on the table, I opened it to reveal a few documents, carefully selected to create the illusion of evidence.

"As you can see," I began, gesturing towards the documents, "we've compiled compelling evidence linking the blueprint theft to Mr. Beaumont's hotel in Bermuda."

Mr. Beaumont's jaw tightened visibly, and I noticed a flicker of apprehension in his eyes. I held their gaze, silently willing them to slip up and reveal the truth.

This was definitely going my way, I was clearly getting under their skin, if they hadn't stolen Liam's blueprint then they wouldn't be so hesitant to deny my claim.

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