3. A banging strategy.

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"Mr. Steele would like you to personally oversee his case," Mrs. Allen declared, her tone leaving no room for argument. "This is a high-stakes litigation case."

I felt a mixture of disbelief and apprehension wash over me as I processed her words. Liam Steele, my former bully and now billionaire client, was entrusting me with a significant legal matter.

My eyes remained fixed on him as he spoke casually, his words only adding to the weight of the situation.

"As you may know, I and my family own several hotel chains called SteeleLux Hotels," Liam stated matter-of-factly, his expression unreadable as he watched my reaction.

"My luxury hotel brand, SteeleLux Hotels, is renowned for its inventive designs and distinctive guest experiences, and another company has stolen my blueprint for their establishment. Through dishonest ways, the competing company Beaumont Hotel stole my blueprint and plans to reproduce SteeleLux's distinctive features in their own hotels."

"They are currently in the process of building a hotel that mirrors mine," Liam continued, his tone conveying the seriousness of the situation. "This could result in a detrimental loss for my company, hence why I've sought out help."

"But why me?" I interjected, unable to hide my confusion. "This is a high-stakes litigation case, why not use one of your top attorneys?" The inconsistency of being hired for such a critical case after being fired just minutes ago for failing two subpar cases gnawed at my mind.

It didn't make any sense. What was Liam up to?

Mrs. Allen glared at me, her frustration evident, before sighing heavily. "What a disappointment," she muttered under her breath before addressing me directly. "As I've said before, there are far more suitable candidates for the case-"

"No, this is a fifty-thousand-dollar Armani suit, custom-made, ruined by lipstick," Liam interjected, his tone firm as he gestured towards the smudge of lipstick on his shirt. "She will win over this case and have my suit replaced. Her and her alone will oversee my case as an attorney or I take my case elsewhere."

I gasped in shock, my eyes widening as I took in the evidence of my mistake. My heart sank as I realized the gravity of the situation.

"Then it's final," Mrs. Allen declared, her voice brooking no argument. "You will work closely on this case with Mr. Steele."

I nodded my head, feeling a mixture of gratitude for another chance and determination to prove myself despite the unexpected turn of events.

As Liam stood up, putting on his mask and hat, I couldn't help but glare at him, my heart racing with resentment. He exited the room, leaving my boss and me alone to digest the gravity of the situation.

"This is a big one. Millions of dollars are on the line," my boss stated, "As much as I would love to let one of my best attorneys take over this case, Mr. Steele is adamant about having you. I expect you to rise to the occasion, be the attorney I know you can be, and win that case at all costs. If you do, then you can consider yourself a Senior Associate."

This was my chance to prove myself and earn my place among the top attorneys at the firm.

"Senior Associate?" I couldn't help but bite my lip in disbelief. It typically took years of hard work and dedication for someone to earn the title of Senior Associate.

There were attorneys on the floor who had been with the firm for years, yet here I was, being given the opportunity to move up from Associate to Senior Associate in one swoop.

It was a chance I had never imagined I would have so soon in my career. Becoming a partner had always been my ultimate goal, and becoming a Senior Associate would bring me one step closer to achieving that dream.

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