8. Gone wrong.

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"Unbelievable, look what you just made me do?!" I hissed at him, frustration boiling over. "I knew we could've settled there and then, but because of your antics, we now have to go to court," I scolded him, the words tumbling out before I could stop them.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I burst out. Liam's reaction was unexpected. Instead of responding to my outburst, he placed his hand gently around my neck in a warning gesture.

But as his touch made contact, a strange sensation washed over me, paralyzing me in place. It was as if his touch had cast a spell over me, leaving me unable to move or speak.

Liam's voice cut through the haze, his words firm yet gentle. "I give you as much power as you wish but unless you we're fucking Bonbon, never you curse at me," he whispered, his tone carrying a hint of warning but yet I couldn't help but feel sexually aroused and stimulated. "Or else you'll have to deal with my punishment."

I remained silent, unable to respond as his words continued to make me fluster beneath his touch. It was as if his touch had somehow rendered me powerless, and I silently obeyed, my mind reeling with confusion.

A smirk played on his tempting lips as his eyes gleamed mischievously, his eyes slightly widened before returning to their usual self as if noting how much his stimulating words and his hand being around my neck has so much power over my body.

As Liam removed his hand, I snapped out of the trance-like state, my astonishment evident in the wide-eyed gaze I fixed on him. What had just happened? I couldn't comprehend it, but the lingering sensation of his touch left me both bewildered and intrigued.

"There's a time and place for everything Liam." I hissed at him. My eyes glaring at the blue eye devil who was clearly oblivious to what he has done.

"Do you know how important this is? Why would you pull a stunt like that? Don't you take this case seriously? There's so much on-line here." I scolded him once again.

"I have faith you'll do splendid in court Bonbon." Liam says making me roll my eyes at him.

"I could've done splendid right there and then only if you hadn't gone and messed it up. How will we go to court to prove he stole your blueprint without evidence or someone to testify on your behalf?" I sighed, holding the bridge of my nose.

"There's nothing for you to worry about, after all I have the upper hand." Liams says.

I could feel a headache coming on as I glared at him, but then I noticed something. An overly smug look on his face and his overly confident words just now.

I knew Liam was confident in me while I wasn't even confident in myself but there was something in his eyes of his and his words just now which proves that he was up to something. Liam was quite a secretive man. You would never know his next move.

"What exactly aren't you telling me, Liam?" I questioned, folding my eyes as I desperately searched his deep blue eyes for answers.

"Nothing you need to get worked up about Bonbon." I rolled my eyes at his persistence of calling me his bonbon.

"The next time you're feeling horny, you should keep it in your pants until one of your whores will tolerate it and leave me out of your sick twisted fantasy." I warned him.

"My dear Attorney Quinn, rest assured, only one woman occupies my mind in such twisted fantasies. I simply can't refrain myself from teasing you." Liam's gaze held a glint of mischief.

Then suddenly he began to take slow strides in my direction making my eyes widen at what he was about to do. Not waiting to find out what exactly he had up his sleeve, so I quickly made a dash for it towards the door.

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