4. Buried Secrets.

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"I'm home!" I sang cheerfully, plopping my bag on the ground as I entered my apartment.

Feeling completely exhausted after a long day at work, I was relieved that I hadn't been scolded by my boss for the delay in starting the case. Liam had been considerate enough to call my boss and inform her that we would be postponing the case's revision, which had undoubtedly saved me from a reprimand.

As I kicked off my shoes and collapsed onto the couch, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Liam's unexpected act of kindness, despite our complicated history. It was a small gesture, but it had made a big difference in my day.

"So, how did it go at work today? Did they fire you?" my best friend asked curiously as I settled onto the couch.

"Nope, I got a third chance at proving myself," I replied with a sigh, feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension about my continued employment.

"Really? Well, that's fantastic!" Khloe exclaimed with a smile. "I told you; you were a lucky woman. That's why I nicknamed you Lucky. But what did you do? Did you fall to your knees and beg just like you said you would?" she asked eagerly.

"No," I murmured, feeling a pang of embarrassment at the memory. "My boss fired me, but ultimately gave me another chance to prove myself." Despite my initial fear of losing my job, I couldn't deny feeling grateful for the opportunity to redeem myself.

"Woah, you are so lucky!" Khloe giggled, her excitement notable. "So, tell me about your next client?" She eagerly sat awaiting my response, curiosity shining in her eyes.

"You know, giving away clients' private information is illegal," I stated firmly, reminding her of the confidentiality obligations that come with my profession.

"You've never had a problem telling me about your previous client's information prior to this one. What's so different about this one?" She continued to inquire.

"This one is a very high-stakes litigation. If I fail this one, then I'm out for good. I can't tell you anything about it," I explained to Khloe, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

As much as I wanted to confide in her about my new client, I couldn't bring myself to reveal that I was representing the man she's always had a crush on since high school, despite him being the one who bullied me.

I knew she would want to know absolutely everything, but I couldn't risk breaching the confidentiality of my client's case, no matter how much I trusted Khloe.

But wouldn't she find out who my client is when this makes air on the news? I pondered aloud. She'll definitely find out, but I don't think it should be from me. After all, a high-stakes case like this is bound to reach the media somehow.

"You'll see my client on TV when the news comes out," I added, trying to deflect Khloe's curiosity.

"He or she is that big?" she questioned, her curiosity piqued. I nodded, confirming the significance of my client without revealing any details.

"And that's not all, if I win this case then I'll most likely be one of the youngest senior Associate at Horizon Law Group." I smiled.

"What would the pay look like if you were to move up the ranks?" Khloe eagerly questioned.

"Fifteen thousand monthly." I smiled making Khloe squeal with excitement before whipping out her phone.

"Woah! That's a hundred and eighty thousand dollars annually!" She screamed.

"I guess you can say that's the only good thing about this case because if I don't win that case then I might as well retire as the fastest failures as attorney in history." I sighed, and Liam was already making that quite easy.

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