7. Secret Kisses.

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7 years ago.

"I need to use the bathroom," I whispered to the teacher, who nodded and handed me a hall pass.

"Thank you." I murmured, making my way out the class.

As I made my way through the corridors, I wasn't heading to the bathroom as I had initially claimed. Instead, I was on my way to see him - Liam, the mysterious sender of the late-night text three days ago.

His message had caught me off guard, arriving unexpectedly in the dead of night, and I couldn't shake the curiosity that had taken hold of me ever since.

"I enjoyed our kiss today. Let's recreate more moments like this, my dear bonbon," the text had read, leaving me both intrigued and bewildered. How had he obtained my phone number.

Upon reading the text before I went to bed, my eyes widened in disbelief, and my heart throbbed painfully in my chest. This was Liam, the last person I expected to receive such a message from.

More moments like these?! He wanted us kiss more?!

As my mind recollected the moment we kissed, a rush of conflicting emotions washed over me. Despite my best efforts to suppress it, a blush crept onto my cheeks, betraying the warmth that still lingered within me. It was a moment I shouldn't be dwelling on, considering our complicated history.

After all, he's the one who keeps bulling me mercilessly, spreading rumors that I had cooties. It seemed ironic that my first kiss would be with my bully. Yet, as much as I hated to admit it, his kiss had been breathtaking. It had ignited a spark within me that I couldn't deny.

Wait, what?

As I stood outside the door, anticipation and apprehension mingled within me. Everything from yesterday felt like a whirlwind of emotions, and now I found myself on the precipice of experiencing my second kiss with Liam.

It was a surreal realization, one that left me feeling both exhilarated and uncertain. This was the way it always seemed to be with my rich bullies - caught in a never-ending cycle of manipulation and threats.

It was as if I had to choose between being treated poorly by the entire school or succumbing to their desires.

Coming from a very poor family and attending this prestigious high school on a scholarship had made me a target for relentless bullying. My socioeconomic status had become a source of shame and ridicule, leaving me vulnerable to the whims of those who held power and privilege over me.


That was a nickname gave me by my best friend. Unfortunately, my academics hasn't been smooth sailing. Despite my best efforts, my grades in middle school weren't impressive, leaving me uncertain of how I had managed to make it to this point.

I even lucked out with the cafeteria program; while others had to pay, I got my meals for free. It was a small comfort, but I was grateful for it.

As I entered the secluded room, Liam harshly pulled me into his arms from the corner where he stood. His eyes twinkled with mischief, and I couldn't help but blush. This wasn't something I'd ever get used to from my bully. His grip was rough as he pulled me closer.

"Took you long enough," he whispered in my ear, his hot minty breath brushing against my cheek as the warmth of his embrace enveloped me.

"I-I'm sorry you had to wait so long," I whispered, my voice barely audible in the confined space.

I felt a surge of anxiety wash over me. I prayed that we wouldn't get caught. The thought of losing my scholarship or worse, having my mother find out about our secret meetings in such confined spaces filled me with dread.

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