3. just friends.

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the pinkette is sitting on the end of his bed while the blonde is having a warm peaceful nap, they've been cuddling all day but technoblade got a little too warm so he moved

he sat there on the bed listening to the two familiar voices across the hall rambling to each other, his brothers.

he hates his little brother but he doesn't really mind his twin brother, he's not really big on leaving his room to speak to anyone but sometimes the brunette boy comes to his room and sits with him to talk

he stood up from his bed walking out of the room quietly, listening to the two voices get louder as he walks past the wooden door to go down the stairs

before he could make it to the stairs he heard the brunette say his name, immediately he stopped walking and listened to what he was saying
'techs got a boyfriend?' wilbur questioned tommy, looking a bit stunned

'yeah! they were cuddling will! he has blonde hair like me but a little darker!' tommy shouted, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically

'really? i didn't even know tech was gay' wilbur spoke in a confused tone
the pinkette stood there shocked, why were they calling dream his boyfriend? why are they calling him gay? why are they talking about him?

he walked over to the wooden door and opened it slowly

'oh hey techno!' tommy screeched excitedly. 'hey man' wilbur said calmly

'im not gay, i don't date, he's not my boyfriend.' the pinkette spoke.

'friends don't cuddle~' tommy teased,
'friends don't hold each other all day~' wilbur joined in on the teasing.

the pinkette stood there feeling a little embarrassed, why did he feel like this? why did he feel so shy talking about the blonde boy with green eyes?

'look, i don't know what you guys are on about. but i'm not dating dream and neither am i gay, i don't feel attraction towards anyone and i've never felt comfortable enough to even try a relationship.' the pinkette explained calmly

'but you carried him here and cuddled him all day?' tommy and wilbur both questioned

'yes. i carried him here because he fell asleep outside with me and i didn't want to wake him up or leave him out there.' he explained

the two boys looked at him a little confused

'and yes. we did cuddle but it was because i had a panic attack and he calmed me down then we went to my bedroom and cuddled each other.'

he finished his sentance beginning to feel a hint of annoyance.

'so you aren't dating?' tommy asked

'no! we're just friends.'

the young blonde boy stood outside the door staring down at the floor

just friends? was i nothing to him at all? nothing?

why did he hold me like that? and look me in my eyes like i meant the world to him?

was it all for nothing..?

are we really,
just friends..?

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