9. hands.

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the lovely couple were sitting in dreams room, the blonde boys friends went out a couple of hours ago so dream decided to invite techno over to spend time with him

techno doesn't really visit dreams house often, because of dreams friends

he doesn't hate dreams friends he's just really antisocial and the blonde boys friends are very social so they always bring people over, which means whenever technoblade goes over to dreams house he's basically overwhelmed the whole time

but today was different, the two idiots dream lives with went to their friend karls house to stream together

so techno came over today

the two love birds have already done so much, they've played games, they've cooked, they've baked

there's not much else to do

techno sat down on the sofa and turned on 'jurassic world' which made dream giggle a bit, at the boys nerdiness

"my brother introduced me to this film" techno spoke, obviously talking about wilbur.

"did he?" dream questioned and sat down beside techno

"yeah he's a huge nerd"

the blonde boy giggled a bit and snuggled up to his boyfriend, he always feels so safe in his boyfriends arms

techno wrapped his arms around him and payed lots of attention to the large screen

"what's your favorite scene?" dream

techno smiled softly and looked down at his boyfriend before he spoke "i like the part where they say 'welcome to jurassic park'"

dream smiled as he watched the tv, the two boys loved to spend time together, no matter what they were doing they would always feel so safe around each other

they're honestly inseparable.

dream leaned against technos shoulder and gently hugged his arm as techno rested his hand on the boys thigh

techno could feel the boy trembling under his hand, he smiled softly at the nervous reaction

"what's wrong?" techno asked with an evil smirk

"n-nothing.." dream muttered

techno knew dream gets flustered very easy, so he finds it fun to do small things to make him blush cause his reactions are priceless

the blonde boy was glancing down at technos hands, admiring his hands strength.

technos a pretty fit guy so he has really strong hands, dream was admiring the veins that ran through technos hands, the bones that appeared so strongly, his beautiful tan skin

god he's so hot.

techno gently laid dream down then laid down between his legs "m' sleepy" techno muttered as he snuggled the boys waist

the blonde boy smiled softly and gently put a blanket over him and techno

he ran his hands under the covers and gently rubbed technos back making a small smile form on technos face.

'god, i love this man'

dream thought to himself

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