10. intoxicated messages.

40 1 0

(CW: alcohol, phone sex.)


the pinkette was sitting at his desk playing minecraft with a few of his online friends

bored out of his mind.

he would be talking to his boyfriend right now but the blonde boy is on a trip to LA with george, sapnap, and karl, they go there often to do some business

don't get him wrong, he's proud of dream for achieving his goals and working hard. but god it takes him away and makes everything feel so lonely and boring

techno snapped out of his thoughts to a voice screaming through his headphones


"i'll be there" schlatt spoke
"alright!" skeppy said
"YAY" quackity screeched

alright so, skeppy, schlatt, and quackity. sounds fine with the pinkette

"i'll join" techno spoke

"YEAHHHHH!!" quackity yelled out.

they all agreed on a time, which was 6 pm. and techno already messaged dream to let him know him and his friends would be out drinking.

techno turned his pc off then checked the time

'4:35 pm'

alright he still has time to take a nap then have a shower

techno walked over to his bed and lazily crawled into bed, he got comfy and relaxed under the covers before falling asleep


an hour passes and techno wakes up, he checks the time which is about 5:40ish so he has to rush to get ready, he isn't good at rushing things.

techno rushed to the bathroom and quickly took a shower, washing his body fast and scrubbing his hair a bit aggressively, he quickly got out the shower and dried himself off along with his hair then put on a pair of jeans and a hoodie

usually he'd wear his signature clothes, but since he's going to a bar he doesn't want to dress too fancy there

techno left his room and went downstairs then put his shoes on before leaving without saying goodbye to his family.

the car ride was simple and quick, the bar isn't too far from his house and dream isn't with him so it was kinda quiet and lonely.

he saw the 3 boys standing outside waiting on him, god this is embarrassing. techno stepped out his car and walked over to them

'my bad, must've slept in' techno spoke before leading the way inside the building.

the group of boys showed their ID's then went over to the large table and sat together

"hellooo, what can i get ya??" the bartender asked, she was a short girl with blonde messy short hair, blue eyes, and wearing a hoodie and sweats

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