12. home.

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the pinkette was sitting on the sofa missing his boyfriend more than ever, it's been 3 days since that hangover and dream has been gone for 2 and a half weeks, when will he be home? the young pinkette missed him so much.

techno stood up from the sofa before lazily walking over to the kitchen, feeling drained as usual. ever since dream left he's just been really drained and unhappy, everything just seems so dull. he missed hearing the happy laughter and the screech giggles dream would let out whenever they would play fight each other

techno looked in the fridge but couldn't be bothered to cool, or even eat. so the pinkette decided to just take a nap as an attempt to pass time, he stumbled up the stairs but before he could reach the top step someone called his name.


now as we know, techno hates going in town with his family because of all the bickering. but today techno decided to go but just to pass some time and to help relieve his boredom.

techno scoffed lightly and went to his room then changed into a simple comfy outfit before walking downstairs to slip his shoes on. "sure whatever" techno walked outside to the car with his two brothers following behind him.

"YAY TECHNO WANTS TO COME!!" tommy yelled and wilbur just chuckled a bit as he got in the back seats with tommy.

phil and techno sat at the front, techno on his phone, philza driving. "so, what shop?" techno asked as he looked over at his father who was focused on the long busy roads

"ahh, we're going to a comic shop wilbur wanted to check out" philza spoke. techno grumbled lightly as he looked out the window "what a nerd" he spoke under his breath.

the car ride felt like it lasted years, there was so much traffic, tommy was talking non stop, wilbur was minding his own business on his phone, the music was boring. technos longing for dream.

"hey how come the blondie hasn't visited you lately?" wilbur spoke up "hes on a trip" techno said, feeling a bit annoyed that wilbur called him blondie instead of dream. the pinkette turned around and looked at wilbur with a slight glare "its dream." he corrected

"okay jeez didnt mean to offend you" wilbur muttered before looking out the window rolling his eyes a bit

philza parked the car infront of the old medium sized building before the three boys stepped out the car "i have to go run some errands, i'll be here in an hour to get you three, behave." philza spoke

"BYE DAD!!" tommy shoved himself through the car window and gave philza a hug

"bye" techno and wilbur muttered before walking in the building. "WAIT FOR ME" tommy screamed and ran after them, and with that. philza drove away.

great, this is gonna be a long. long. day.


dream stepped onto the large airplane before taking his seat, feeling overwhelmed with excitement to finally see his boyfriend again. "are you excited?" george asked "YES!!" dream yelled out by accident before he felt a hand slap over his mouth

"hush dream! we're on a plane!" sapnap spoke out before letting go of the boys face. the three boys loved plane flights, george and sapnap go on planes often but dream only goes when he has too, he prefers to just be with techno as much as he can

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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