Summertime Sonder

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Sonder, to imagine the lives of others who pass by us at one moment of our times. To imagine the life of the passerby who we were a passerby to them, their colorful lives with love and family and problems of their own. Imagining How we believe they live, how we think they solve problems and how they react to them. To create a version of someones life, with love, hate, sadness, loss, emotions, even if this life isn't completely true. To sonder is to stop living your life to live someone elses for them. To sonder is to lose yourself, and to sonder is to become the best poet.

It's summer, school is over and everyone is split up. The band group is divided into solos, the cheerleaders are split apart and the best friends are separated. This is when you think this is the highlight of the year, the turning point where you are free and you will enjoy forever. It's true, but we still can't stop thinking of others, can we? Those students, brothers, sisters, besties, teachers, companions, buddies that we spent most of our year with, we can't suddenly lose sight of their existance. We just can't actually know what they do everyday or how, so we imagine every single detail. Like that girl in your classroom who is really funny, what does she do? You know she's innocent, religious and quite the honor student, which makes it harder to tell what she does. She is funny and quotes a lot of tv show references so maybe she watches that show. You know she is a vegetarian so you imagine her eating healthy. She is an honor student but also gets distracted on social media so you imahine her reading articles online on one tab and facebook on the other. What about the cool kid? He talks nonstop about cars and becoming an engineer so you can see him helping out his dad fix a busted up car they had from long ago. He also likes to play video games, mostly shooter games, so you imagine him playing Call of Duty online with friends and cursing out loud, getting yelled at by his christian mother talking on the phone in the room next to him. He likes also has a motorcycle so its clear he rides off when he wants, tellling his parents he's going to buy something to eat in the nearest bakery but goes to his friends house  and talk about the new car this person got, all the good thing and bad things the car has. And how about the dancer that doesn't shut up about always dancing? How she loves dancing and how she will always love dancing? It gets tiring always listening aboht that in school, how do you think she does at her house? Does she play music out loud and dance or is she actually posing her affection for dancing just to have an image? Maybe dancing is a passion but she has a few others. Maybe she does this of jealousy, how all her friends do the same and she has done it the longest. Maybe she just sits in her house, stuck on an iphone or android like all of us. Searching the latest gossips and liking pictures of hot people she has from pages she liked. Then she goes off to a whole new world with her headphones on and listening to her favorite singer, she goes gaga over him. She just stays there, in her bed, looking up at the ceiling and making a whole choreography with that song. Then there's the social outcast. What does he do? All you see him do is draw and write. You've read his English reports and works and his writing is splendid, superb. You see him waking up to pen and paper and writing a few stories. Maybe, maybe he just stays on the internet. His inspiration leaves with the school semester, so he doesn't write as much. He also had a beginning disability, so you imagine him everyday dealing with it. He wasn't a person to play as much in PE, so sports are oht of the question. He had tan lines, so you could imagine him going to the beach maybe once or twice in the whole summer vacations. He wasn't a person to show his feeling either, so you can't see him anywhere other than under his parents shadow, going wherever they go, if he feels like it. Maybe he stays at home, playing videogames, wishing to be with the few friends he made in school. His social life grows thin in the summer. He usually sonders too, visualizing his friends lives and giving them roles in stories and maybe, just maybe he finishes a stlry on his own. Sonder is a powerful aspect of imagination, a strong skill we all need to hone, to sharpen so we can cut through our regular lives into a new universe of imagination. Unlock this and new parts of your life will open up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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