Life and Death (short diamond poem and definition)

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                        Hard , Short

        Ending , Struggling , Appearing

Birth , Creation ... Destruction , Aftermath

     Beginning , Leaving , Disappearing

                      Simple , Eternal


Life is hard, I know most of you might think I'm in no place to say this because I'm young, but remember this: I'm living, you're living, we are all living and to us, to me it's hard. Don't say I won't understand until I'm older because I'm getting older and I understand new things and old things everyday. We are all struggling, we all appear out of nothing and expected to live a life we don't want. Birth was a plan, even if the process wasn't. If at the start you were an accident, you weren't an accident for nine straight months, were you? You were a decision. You were an idea, and the idea was created. But there can't be creation without destruction. So you are given problems, you have imperfections, failures, heartbreaks, losses and you age and you grow stronger but weaker. You grow wise but intelligence can only get you so far. Then the aftermath of life comes... the beginning of the end.... life was the beginning and Death is ending but they are doing opposite actions. Life is ending and Death is beginning. We are leaving this world and we got very little to show. Life is a stop watch and Death is the finger, always waitingmfor the perfect moment but always be one second behind. You can't die when you want to... unless you pull the trigger. Death is simple, it's just... the end... it's eternal.... it's ironic, but it will last a lifetime... Once Upon a Time there was life and death is The End.

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