"Freedom" (Make a Simply Better World)

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Yes, freedom. We are free to be judged. To be insulted, to be separated, to be alienated and abducted to be sent off to wars. Free to be charged for free resources and free to be imprisoned by politics. Free to be insecure of ourselves with beauty commercials and free to be overprotective of our children who hold a gun to our heads. Free to be swimming in war infested oceans and free to drink mine infested waters. Free to practice any religion the government dictates. Free to trust those the television say we should. Free to love those who our politics say its okay to love. Free to be what we dont want to be. Free to be what they tell us to be. Free to be a version of ourselves that appeased the masses. Free to live in debt on our own land. Free to pay for own own hard work. Free to pay for living in our own homes. Free to be "free." Free to think what you want to think but not say it. Free to stay infront of one place for a long time and be sent to jail for looking suspicious. Free to be called gay, homo, terrorist, black, white, asian, without any reason other than appearance. Free to have no rights. Free to be constant victim to stereotypes. Free to having ideas but not put them to work. Free to think but not act. Free to lose loved ones and only get an apology. Free to live in a selfish world without justice. Free to elect a president from one side and when all goes wrong jump to the other side to make things worse and keep jumping, back and forth. Free to be ignorant. Free to be ignored. Free to be loud but no one will hear you. Free to be alone, plus taxes. Free to be an outsider and alienated because of it. Free to be subjected to segregation. Free to be killed without anyone actually caring. Free to be robbed. Free to be equal, by separating genders and races. Free to cut years from our lives with every tree down to build Skyscrapers that'll live longer than us. Free to kill species and cry because they are becoming extinct. Free to throw away water and argue because we have dry dams. Free to throw away food and complain when we have no food. Free to kill men and women for "the sake of humanities future." Free to throw out plastic bottles and fight because the world is being destroyed. Free to fish, hunt, cut down trees for our own "survival." Free to teach about wars and deaths and genocides at school and still say that the streets make one violent. Free to limit others because of physical appearance. Free to change our looks because we "want to" because society wants us to. Free to let social media tell us what we want. Free to be "ourselves" in other peoples perspective. Free to be my own kind of free, which is living in a prison. Free to write and be criticized because some do not agree. Free to judge others who don't think like we do. Free to limit others in general. Free to hate and still argue because someone hates you back. Free to criticize Society because its destroying Society. Free to sexualize everything. Free not to be free. "Freedom", yes.



You+Change=Society-Problems= Simply Better World

Do the math...

You can change all this. Don't look through your eyes unless you want to see the same world. Look through others eyes to see a Bigger, Different, Healthier, United, Simply Better World.

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