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I don't wanna right angst...but it's needed..too much fluff, no smut, no angst!? No! So here is the ARCCCCC! Mission arc coming up! Sorry I'm taking so long. I want this to be good and juicy and I have had no motivation bcs I'm failing classes and getting want out from trying to fix it..but I'm here! And I promise this will be good. Without further  ado... chapter one of the mission arc!:

Gojo's eyes slowly opened, the feeling of absolute laziness and exhaustion washed over him. He grunted before trying to snuggle back into Geto, but sadly that one got him a smack on the head. He rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Satoru, it's time to wake up. I've been sitting here for 35 minutes waiting for you to get your lazy ass up." Geto muttered that last part, as he ruffled Gojo's hair. Gojo looked up and smiled, Geto looked 'hot' when tired or just woken up. Geto raised an eyebrow it before he could ask Gojo made a comment with a smirk.


"You're so fucking weird Satoru. Why would u say that?" The boy turned red and looked away. With that Gojo stood up, stretching out his long limbs. And yawning. He smacked his lips before walking to the bedroom down the hall.

"What are you doing?" Geto stood up, rubbing his eyes once more. "Taking a shower, duh." Gojo responded. Geto rolled his eyes before walking towards the bedroom. "Wanna jo-" "no." Gojo sighed in defeat before walking to the bathroom, shutting the door.

"Yaoi" Geto turned to see shoko standing in the door way while on her phone.  "Oh, hey shoko. Wanna help me make breakfast?" "We both know there's only time for cereal, we need to get going in like 15" she explained, looking up at him. He sighed before nodding, knowing she was right. "Alright, I'll get dressed then." Geto mumbled, walking towards the dresser. "Mkay" shoko walked out, shutting the door behind her.


"Satoru! Hurry up we have like 10 minutes!" Geto shouted, pulling up his pants. "I'm about to get out i promise!" Gojo shouted back, before the sound of the water shutting off followed. Geto walked into the bathroom and Gojo began to shout. "Get out!! I'm naked u weirdo!!" Geto ignored him calmly before taking his bun out. "Stop! Go away!!!!" He continued to complain and shout, sometimes hitting Geto. But of course to no avail. "It's nothing I haven't seen before, I have to do my hair." "You're so fucking gross." "I've seen you like this like 1900000 times.." Geto mumbled, looking over at the white haired boy unamused. Gojo rolled his eyes and huffed before putting his towel on.

He walked out and to the dresser, before pulling out the white button up and his uniform. "Suguru, can't we wear something other than the uniform? Aren't we supposed to be sneaky?" "No Satoru,we were told to wear these because we represent the school. And if they caught us they would know who's threatening them and to be scared." Gojo hummed in response before he nodded, putting on his clothing. "I'm gonna go check on shoko, aight?" "Mhm" Gojo walked out of the room and started strutting down the hall. "Heyyyy shokooooo" he walked into her room with a grin. "Hi" "what ya doin?" "Getting re-" "coooooolllll." They were both quiet. "Cool." Shoko said, turning back to her bag which was sitting in the bed.

"Shoko! Can u ask suguru to stop at Dairy Queen on our way there? I don't wanna do it." "No." He pouted and plopped onto her bed with a groan. "Shookooooo!!" Pleaseeeee" "you do it." "Pleaseeeee" "Gojo.." "PLEASEEEE" "fine.." "yay!!!! Thanks shoko!" Gojo beamed, leaving the room and going to the kitchen. He went through the cabinets before taking a bag and beginning to fill it up. The sound of wrappers crunching filled the room. "Gojo. What are you doing?" Shoko walked in, a confused loook on her face. "What does it look like?" He rolled his eyes before turning back to what he was doing. "Hmmm..." she rubbed the back of her head. "Huhhhhh..." she crossed her arms. "Hmmmmm...ion know." Gojo looked over at her, pointing his finger In the air. "Oh, well I'm packing snacks." He explained in a very serious tone. "Ohhhhhh...okayyyy..!" She smiled sweetly before walking to the door, which is where the shoe rack was.

"Come on Satoru, shoes." Geto said, walking towards the door. "Where did you cone from" "the back, now come onnnn" Geto tugged on Gojo's sleeve, pulling him to the door. They both sat down and put their shoes on. Shoko had finished already and was walking towards the bag on the counter, the one full of snacks. "Don't worry about it shoko, I can carry it." Gojo smiled, looking up at her calmly. "What's in the bag?" "Snacks." "Mm." Geto hummed, nodding his head before standing up. He smiled before walking over to the counter, grabbing his phone. "Okay, all ready?" He questioned, looking between his two best friends. "Yeh" "psh, I guess." Shoko and Gojo responded, Gojo walking towards the bag and grabbing it. "Okay, let's go then." Geto stated before walking out, the others following suit.


Shoko had fallen asleep in the car, she sleeps a lot. Geto was currently driving because Gojo wasn't trusted, and Gojo was non-stop yapping. "Okay- but, wouldn't u name your kid after me?" "No, he would end up a brat like you."
"Psh, me? A brat? Not true. Ur just a damn teachers pet." "No. I'm just respectful, idiot." "Nah, teachers pet. But anyway, your kid would look like me and I would make it just like me."
"I rather have no kid at all then."
"How rude."
They went silent...too silent. It made Gojo uncomfortable.

"Swerve and hit that tree." He challenged. Geto looked over at him in shock. "No! What the hell satoru!? What's wrong with-" "pussy?"
More silence.
"Bet." Geto swerved, both boys screaming. The car crashed into the tree with a loud crash sound, the car smoking from the front, the front was completely destroyed. The boys just sat there shocked as if it wasn't them. "Oh..what happened Geto..?"  Shoko woke up with a yawn, she was absolutely calm. "We don't even know." Gojo replied for him, covering his mouth in shock. Shoko looked between them before sighing. "Gojo you totally told him to." She looked at them disappointed. Gojo looked back in utter disbelief. "HOW DARE YOU? I would never!!" He smiled before chuckling, which caused Geto to start chuckling, which turned into snickers and lastly full blown laughs. "You guys roars so dumb.." she shifted again before unbuckling her seat belt.

She walked out of the car and walked to a tree, leaning on it and reaching for a cigarette from her pocket. The boys soon came out from the car, Gojo had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard, and Geto's face was all red. "Idiots I swear." Shoko muttered under her breath, before looking at the boys. "What do we do now?" "Walk, duh." Gojo sassed, rolling his eyes.

With that they started walking.

(Word count: 1211)
Hiiiiii I hope yall liked this, I was gonna make it longer but I haven't posted in like a week and I promised it to corn out the next day. I think you will like this arc tho. I will say it will have some sadness and so I'll try to get some fluff in before it happens. Trying to make Geto more silly it's just rlly hard. Love u tho😁 also I'm super not motivated so don't be surprised if I don't post the next chapter for a while..this took like a week of  on and off  work and it's not even long..so... byee

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