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HI FAMILY! enjoy the chapter <3


The man stood tall, though he was a little intimidated he stood his ground. Geto rolled his eyes before looking at Gojo. Gojo had a sly smirk on his face before looking at shoko. She shook her tongue out at him as he walked towards the enemy. "Wrong answer, try again." He whispered, shivers running down the man's spine. "Now, now Satoru. Principle will be upset if we do too much. Let's-" gojo made the man float in the air, cutting the dark haired boy off. "I don't care, I'll just say sorry." He waved his hand in the air before throwing the man against a wall. Geto let out a sigh at the boys arrogance. Geto ran to the man summoning curses just as he disappeared. Geto looked around for him, but to no avail. Though Gojo was in the other corner fighting the henchmen. "Where'd this bastard go..?" He thought to him self. He felt something come at him, he turned swiftly reaching his hand out to summon a curse. The man touched getos head before whispering something. "Wh-" things blacked out for the teen. He woke up in a house, His childhood house? Once he had settled down he walked around. "Hello?" The poor teen questioned, beginning to freak out a bit, but keeping his composure. "What the fuck is this? Bastard! Come fight me." He muttered somewhat loudly. "He's a demon. He sees things? It's satan." The sound of a women's voice rang through the house. A man responded: "yes, I agree. He must go to church this isn't okay." Geto walked around the corner to see his own parents. "Oh..what is this?" He muttered looking at them in confusion. They returned look with disgust. "Go to your room you demon!" His mother shouted, scrunching up her face and taking a few steps back. "W-what?" His parents wouldn't speak to him like that. Mr Geto walked towards him in a demanding way, screaming and pushing him away. "Go! Foul beast! Disgusting demon!" All the screaming became too much as he started to freak out, does he kill them? Is this real or not? He can't kill his own parents.! "No, no this is all wrong you wouldn't talk to me like this." He quickly killed them, feeling their blood splatter all over. He felt disgusting but knew it was right. None of this was real right.? He took a few deep brathes as he heard his mother one last time. Begging for her son's love. " could you..? Please baby no this hurts. My baby..!" She cried. Geto looked at her in utter disgust and fear. Was this the wrong call!? Was this is real family..? "No..mother I-" "suguru..?" He heard a familiar voice behind him cut him off. "No, Satoru it's not what it seems." He turned around, fear and sadness filled his own eyes. Gojo was absolutely disgusted, confused and scared. "Suguru what the hell is this!?" He shouted. "No! No it's a trick they're not real!" Gojo began to shout at him as well. This overwhelmed the poor teen. Something out of no where hit him in the back of the head, causing him to fall over. Geto touched the back of his head before turning around to see the man. "Ohhh I get it now." He chuckled. "Let's go I guess." He smirked, sighing before standing and taking his stance.

Back with Gojo in the cabin.

"Suguru!? Shoko see what's up with him." He shouted, fighting off the incoming henchman. There's was a bunch of them, they just kept coming. It was no surprise that they were weak but Gojo would get tired soon right? "Alright. Where'd that one guy go?" Shoko asked, walking towards her friend who was passed out on the floor. "I dunno prolly running like a baby."
Shoko felt his pulse, he was alive and fine. "He's just passed out." She concluded, turning over the albino boy. "Well, wake him." M Gojo groaned, punching someone in the face. "He won't wake up genius." She rolled her eyes, putting out her cig. "Hmm, I wonder if it's the guy's technique. I need to see him." He thought out loud, killing off another henchman. Gojo swiftly turned, kicking two men off their feet and running to getos side. He looked around for the man. Ceiling, no. Kitchen? No. Behind furniture? No! Where was he? "What you got up your sleeve Gojo?" Shoko smiled, tilting her head. He grabbed shoko, pulling her close before reaching his other hans out. "Cursed technique, lapse blue!" He shouted, activating his quirk and ruining everything around him. It didn't matter the distraction as long as he pin pointed this guy right? Shoko sighed, getting closer to the annoying teen. Once Gojo had finished the cabin was complete gone, along with some trees and stuff around the cabin. They both stayed quiet, listening for any sound this guys might have made. "Get off me you weirdos." The firmiliar voice of Geto came from behind them. "Suguru!!! You're alive we thought you were dead" Gojo smiled cockily, a joking demeanor behind his voice. "Oh yes of course so dead." Shoko chuckled dryly, standing and patting her self off. "Now let's-" Geto started before being interrupted by a loud thud. Grumbles and groans could be heard from the thud. They all turned to see the main dude trying to push out from under the gravel and rocks. "Fu k.." he muttered, unable to get out. The boys walked over, Gojo stepping on the man's back, causing he to fall back on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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