A long way😰

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Gojo pov:

We had been walking for three hours now..or that's how it feels at least, in 'reality' it's been an hour. But frankly I don't care, my feet hurt. This is absolutely ridiculous, it's torture! How the fuck are shoko and suguru so fucking calm? It's burning hot outside too! God, I'm gonna throw a bf. I mean, I know I'm the strongest but I'm not built for this crap, I'm meant to be doing important things not this bs. I'm not a peasant.

"Satoru, you good?" Suguru turned to me with a hint of concern in his voice. I looked over at him before groaning loudly and letting complaints spill from my lips. "No this is absolutely horrible. Why the fuck as I walking around like some loser? I'm tired and it's hot and it's been like 1000000 hours!" He rolled his eyes and shoko let out a small giggle before covering it up once I glared at her. "Psh, baby." Suguru teased with a smirk and another eye roll. He's so annoying. "Okay well whatever it's not my fault I care about my looks." "What does this have to do with looks?" He responded, confusion laced his voice. "Well, if I get all fired and sweat my hair will be messy. And my hair is beautiful." I replied with confidence, he just scoffed. He should know what I'm getting at. "How does that explain why I don't care abt my looks?" "Bangs, messy unkept bun..ehh" "excuse me?" "Heh, excused" "do you wanna fight?" He challenged with annoyance and anger, turning to me and coming to a complete stop.

"Smile break." Shoko murmured before walking a bit down the trail for her 'smoke break'. Ion know why she smokes, it's gross. Just breathe normal air, wayyyyy better. "Satoru?!" I looked back over at my upset boyfriend. His hair was actually indeed already messy, his eyebrows were furrowed into anger and he had one hand in his pocket, the other by his side. He scoffed once more, turning away from me with a huff. "Why you putting suguru?" I muttered, walking towards him. "I'm not pouting!" He mumbled, crossing his arms. "Suguru..?" I put my hand on his shoulder before putting it in his face, making him turn towards me. "Psh, I like my bangs asshole." He cried, his eyes were watering but he wasn't crying. I clicked my tongue, cupping his face in both hands. "Suguru I didn't mean it, I like your bangs too I swear..they're weird but if it's want u like." I soothed, trying to calm the situation. He removed my hands from his face, with a huff. "I'm not even upset I ain't no baby." "Yes you are, you're my baby~" I chuckled before jumping on him. We crashed to the dirty ground and he let out a small laugh but quickly went serious. "Satoru!" "Carry me, I won't walk anymore babe, can't force me." I stated with a sigh, holding him tightly. "Whatever, baby.." he muttered, thinking his words wouldn't be heard. They were, I promise u that. And just let me say, how fucking rude.

He stood up with little struggle before he began to walk towards shoko. "I thought you guys would never shut up." Shoko chuckled before dropping her cig to the grown, crushing it with her foot. "Shut up you smell like ass" I smirked before covering my nose. It smells like cigarettes and it's nasty. I hate that smell..just breathe normal air dawg it's not rocket science, air is like everywhere. "Awweeee" she sighed in defeat. "Let's go now, I don't wanna walk forever."

We all had began to walk and it was sunset at this point. We should've hit the village by now.. maybe we're slow walkers or something. I think we're pretty fast though, or at least I am. Cuz like I'm better. "Gojo are we almost there??" Shoko groaned as her legs shook. She must be tired. "Ion know why you asking me?" "Be...because you have the map Gojo.." "no I don't?" It went quiet, no one moved or spoke. They both just stared at me. I know I'm pretty but calm down. "What-" "GOJO YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GRAB THE MAP!" "Well I was never told that!!!" "Oh my god!!! We're probably lost. We thought you were looking at a map this whole time when you told us to go left or right!!!" "Nah I was just guessing." Silence filled the area once again. Suguru let out a loud groan before covering his face with his hands. "Oh my fucking god Satoru." He looked right at me with nothing but annoyance and anger. "What." "You know what!" "Do I though?" "Yes, you do." "Oh..proof?" "Oh my god. Let's just keep walking and hope we get to the village soon. We're have to spend the night there and then go back to the cabin tomorrow." Suguru explained with a pained and tired expression, shoko nodded and sighed. We all began to walk again, me and shoko started up a conversation.


"Are we there yet?"
"Satoru..does it-"
"Are we almost there?" Suguru looked over at shoko with a tired expression, he sighed before looking ahead to continue walking. "Shoko..you know we aren't, why did you have to ask.?" He groaned, rubbing the back of his neck. We had been walking for another 30 minutes now, the sun was almost completely set. The sky now blueish purple with the slightest amount of orange from the sun that was barely visible. I personally was growing tired of this bs. It's boringggg.

"Look, there it is. The village finally." Shoko muttered and began to jog over, I followed behind out of excitement. I decided to turn around to check on suguru and he was walking, a tired expression STILL plastered on his face.
Being the great person/boyfriend I am, I walked over to him and held his hand. I gave him a small peck on the cheek before continuing to walk with him. I could see his face turn a bit pink. I loveeee suguru, he's my number one. "Come on, let's go." I smiled at him, he flashed a small smile back as we walked to the village ahead.

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