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Hiii! I hope I didn't take too long. I had another book, school work, events and testing so I've been busy. I've been working on my channel a lot and practicing drawing more often so he's superrrr busy lol. But without further ado the next chapter! Enjoy


"I see it!!!!" Gojo shouted, earning a hit on the head from shoko. "Are you sure? You said that 3 times now Satoru!" His boyfriend responded, rolling his eyes and sighing. He turned back, looking ahead to see the cabin. "FINALLY!" This time Gojo was not lying, based off that yell from geto it was actually true. Which caused shock to smile a bit and Gojo to look smugly, knowing he was right. The boys ran even faster, wanting to get there as soon as possible so they could shower, eat, and rest. They also had to call for a new car so they could actually start the mission. Geto bursted through the door, immediately running to the bathroom for his shower. Gojo wanted to shower first but couldn't just throw shoko. He set her down on the couch and sprinted to the bathroom, banging on the locked door. "Suguru!!! Open the door jerk!" He complained and whined, but to no avail. Geto chuckled and snickered as he turned the lever and started the shower. A spray of water shot out, loud enough to be heard from the hall. Steam filled the room, a nice warm sensation hovered through geto's body. It was quiet, except for the water running there was only silence. It was calming, nice even. But it had to come to an end as Gojo burst through the door. It slammed open, he stood there, in the door way. He was breathing heavily, before he looked up and smiled. You can tell it was not a happy smile.

-after shower

"Yea, thank you. Mhm." Shoko ended the call, putting the phone on the counter and smiling at the boys. "Alright, so principle is mad.. But, they're sending a new car." She explained, both boys sighed in relief. They decided to do some research and come up for a plan for tomorrow. All three sat in the living room, surrounding the table with a map on it. "I'm thinking since they're here, we go up close and hideout. Y'know, try to figure out schedules on guards." Geto muttered, pointing at the map before rubbing his chin. Shoko nodded and Gojo groaned. Neither really cared and would just go with what their best friend said anyway. Gojo decided this was too boring and reached for the remote, he was quickly shut down as his boyfriend snatched it from him. "No satoru, we need to figure things out."  He groaned in annoyance. Sure he loved him and knew he had a short attention span, but of course it annoyed him sometimes. Gojo moped and whined hoping to get some sort of rise out of Geto, but it only annoyed him more. He ignored him though, knowing this was way more important than the damn tv right? "Gojo, be quiet. He's trying to talk bro." Shoko sighed, tired of her friends bratty-ness. "I wasn't talking to you shoko.." He muttered, refusing eye contact and pouring. Geto sighed and continued to talk. "Anyway, if we camp out here", he pointed his finger. "We still aren't guaranteed safety. As in not getting caught. We don't know what they're capable of obviously so we just have to play it safe until we can figure out some more." He explained swiftly, Gojo lost interest half way through but overall somewhat understood. Once they had finished yapping about everything, they decided on take out for dinner. They sat down on the couch, watching a movie, waiting for their food to arrive. As frozen played in the back Gojo's phone began to ring, it caught the trios attention, Gojo picked it up with a groan. It had a random number ringing. He answered. "Hello? What do you want weirdo?" Gojo groaned into the phone, it began to make a static noise, making the three look at each other and stiffen up a bit. "*Satoru Gojo was it.*" The person on the other line asked, sounded more as a statement. "What's it to ya?" The teen responded, suspiciously. "*Heh, shoko..Geto. Who you're with. Yeah that's who.*" The man laugh like a mad man, he was manic, creepy even. The trio stiffened as they all looked at each other with worry and confusion. "W-what? Are you crazy you freak? Is this some kinda prank?" Gojo shouted at the phone, becoming annoyed with this 'weak nobody'. Was he threatening them or just prank them? "*heheheh, HEHEHEH! Now.*" He laughed before pausing and saying those words. Now sounding sinister and grave. Gojo looked at the door before screaming at the other two. "GET DOWN.!" He threw his phone, running to his friends and pushing them behind the couch. Before either could get out another word the wall where the front door sat was exploded. Debree went flying, none hitting them thanks to Gojo's infinity, though it was very tiring. Smoke filled the now hole in the wall and slowly seeps in to the cabin, the trio coughed. Rocks shuffled around but you couldn't see anything, which meant someone was walking towards them from outside.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the little spies." A man walked in with a gas mask on but you could tell he had a smirk, it was in his voice. Gojo sat up, the others following suit. "And just might who you be?" Geto asked, annoyance clear in his voice. The man scoffed. Three other people were now behind him, just standing there. "I'm the generals right hand man of one of the regiments. One of the regiments that belonged with/ to the organization you are here for. You don't seem very smart, boy." He scoffed and rolled his eyes, only to receive the same thing back from Geto. "Psh, seems like a nobody to me. Right hand man? One of? Please that's like saying you're weak at this point. It's embarrassing. You're not very smart, loser." Gojo replied with just as much attitude and cockiness, if not more. "Maybe we should pick a fight boys." Shoko cut in, her demeanor still completely calm and unbothered. Geto nodded in agreement. "Yea probably, but wow look at this mess. Who's paying for this? Cause I'm not taking blame." He sighed, standing and putting his hands on his hips. "You're right suguru, but I'm not taking blame this time either damnit." Gojo stood, helping shoko up before rubbing the back of his neck. They all three looked over at the man and his little friends. "Yea that's your cue to call our boss or whatever and say you'll pay for it." Gojo yawns, stretching his arms. "Hey boys do-" shoko tried, but was interrupted. "Excuse me!? I'm stronger than you kids. Try me. I'm not letting you out of here alive." He scoffed, stomping his feet and closing his eyes like a child throwing a tantrum. Though the boys weren't taking this disrespect. "Excuse you." Geto summoned a curse, bugs surrounding the enemy ready to attack.
"You just interrupted shoko, apologize. Freak." Gojo finished his boyfriend's sentence in a serious tone. Clearly not having it. "Yea man, apologies." Shoko smiled slightly, pulling out a cig.


1237 words!!!! I hope yall liked this one cuz it took forever cuz I'm lazy lol. Sorry for not posting I've been busy with school and the yt channel and drawing or whatever. Also I'll post more once school is out, which is next Monday!!! So excited! Anyway thx!! Hope u enjoyed it <3

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