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Ouch. What was that?

An unsettling abrupt and stinging pain on the left finger was what made Mary stir to wake, she was about to look at her pricked finger but that concern flew away upon realizing her current position—lying inside a vertical enclosed space. Not just any random tight space though, from the looks of it, no doubt she was within a casket.

Panic bubbled quickly in her body and she didn't hesitate to show it. "Somebody help me! I'm not dead!" Mary knocked her fists rapidly against the lid, the increasing frenzy made breathing hard now and also conscious that she was wearing something heavy. Did someone really thought of burying her alive?! "Please help! I'm alive in here!"

Fortunately the lid finally came off, Mary welcomed the wave of air in her lungs and she could moved freely now. However the relief was short-lived because there was a strange creature looking down at her from outside the casket—quite larger than the usual cat and definitely not like a typical feline.

"You gotta be kidding me! What a yapper!" This odd creature could talk to and without a filter.

Mary stared long at its appearance, her curious emerald eyes were on the pair of ears with blue fire coming out of it. "Excuse me...what are you?"

"I should ask you the same thing, what are you?" The creature's counter was brash and sounded irritated, "You have this dumb look on your face, do you even know where you are?"

The whole dumb comment was set aside as Mary only realized then that she truly did not know where she was. Looking around, the room was not ringing familiarity—Gothic-inspired structures with floating caskets and some closed ones on the floor. The clothes she was wearing was just as dark, probably two layers which would explain its heaviness and stitched with intricate details. "My apologies, I do not know where this is and how I got here..." She tried backpedaling but nothing came to mind, it was a solid black wall.

Her reply made the creature deadpan. "Since you are oblivious and you don't look like you are ought to be here, just give your clothes to me!" The creature conjured more blue fire, going in a stance that meant to be combative. He was eyeing her robes.

Mary rose up from the casket, stepping away and almost lose her balance. "Hang on! I don't want to give you my robes!" If she gave this to the creature, she'd be in a state of undress! She held the robes tightly around herself.

But the creature was not going to listen to her, he was determined to get what he wanted. "Nah, I came here knowing my purpose—I went here to study and become the greatest wizard in the entire Twisted Wonderland. You don't know what's up so give your robes to someone who deserves it more!"

"No!" Mary reached for the door, opening it and stepping out of the room quickly as possible.

The surrounding was too overwhelming—nighttime at a Gothic-inspired structure, towering pillars and some floating sparkles. What was this place?!

"Hey get back here dummy! Don't make this harder for yourself!" The creature was hot following after.

It was kinda challenging to run in these heavy garbs, Mary wasn't used to it yet and she realized that she was also not into wearing a pair of pants—for some reason, skirts and dresses sound more to her liking. She fastened her pace, wide green eyes darting here and there—too many unfamiliar corridors and doors.

Going with her impulse, Mary went to a pair of doors and stepped inside.


A Do Not Disturb sign was up on the row of tables where Headmaster Crowley was sitting, actually if he could placed some bars too he would because both his students and faculty members have no regard to his want for distance and would continue bothering him about anything concerning the school. His phone was on the same table where books were scattered, he already received more than five messages and missed calls but he was not too concerned.

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