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Currently I am making breakfast, something quite simple. It consisted of 3 eggs scrambled with light salt and pepper, some avocado toast and a banana smoothie bowl. Whilst I would prefer to eat what my mother was making I do need more protein than what was in her meal. I tried looking for protein bars to substitute it so I could enjoy the meal but most of them contained too many artificial sweeteners so I opted out of that rather quickly.

"Hey dipshit... I've been meaning to ask. Why have you been eating the same thing every morning for the past two and a half weeks?"

"Not to mention it's enough food to feed two people!"

"Ah, I'm just trying to eat some more protein."

"Don't ya think one damn egg would be enough for that!?"


"~sigh~ I don't even know where you got that sassy attitude from. Did you finally get a girl or something?"

"You and I both know that wouldn't happen."

"Ha! Of course I do I just wanted to tease you."

Such a troublesome woman became my sister, still though.. I can't exactly say I dislike interacting with her. I've also been checking out jobs in the area but I haven't found anything promising besides the babysitting. I'll message the poster to see if I can check it out next week.

"Y'know if you keep that pokerface you won't be popular with the girls."

"You say that as if you have a partner."

"YOU..ugh I was just saying you should smile more."

'I rather not. Afterall, there hasn't been anything worth smiling about so far'




I was getting ready to leave the house after double checking to make sure I had everything. While I don't think my supercomputer-like brain could possibly forget anything it is better to double check. I've taken to leaving earlier recently as I enjoy going out when it isn't crowded, the view is of course, another reason. The sound of the birds chirping as trees sway with the morning breeze is somewhat comforting.

"Hey Wataru, wait for me."


"I'm coming too!"

"...Alright then."

I say that..however what could possibly take her that long? 'Is she perhaps in a high elo chess match against a silver hair loli genius? Nah that's far too out of the ordinary.'

"Thanks for waiting."

"So why did you suddenly say you wanted to walk with me?"

"Haah? I just said I was coming too, also is it me or have you slimmed down a bit?"

"Not only does my older sister suddenly ask to walk with me, which she never does, but she's also leering at my body? Can I take it that you've gained a brother complex?"

"Ew ew ew no! Shut your sarcastic ass up!"

"I don't believe my rear was ever opened to begin with."

"UGHH you know what I mean!"

'She's so easy to aggravate.'

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