Hoshino Ai SS

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Ara~ What's this?

There's more chapters in this update? Praise the fool :3


Work has been soo stressful lately. We've been getting more and more job offers, while I'm glad we're getting more popular. I'm just soooo busy! The jobs don't even pay that much either. ~Sigh~ 'I miss my Aqua and Ruby.'

"Mister Ichigo, is there any way I can spend more time with Aqua and Ruby?"

"We spoke about this Ai, you're way too busy these days sorry."

"Ahh but I miss them soo much!" I pouted.

"I understand that, but you can't. You shouldn't even be talking about this right now, they need you on set in 5."

"Blehh, you're such a meanie Ichigo-san." I stuck my tongue out at him.

'Aqua....Ruby, Please come save mama from this demon!'




I've been thinking about it for a bit, and while Miyako doesn't say anything I can tell she doesn't really enjoy looking after the kids all the time. I get it, she is young afterall. 'I should probably find a babysitter.'


"I know Mister Ichigo, but I can't keep bothering Miyako either."

"SH~Sigh~ She doesn't even mind."

"Even if she doesn't, she is a young woman, Mister Ichigo. She probably wants to be able to go out and do things sometimes too."

"Still, you can't put yourself at risk like that Ai. If you're caught your career will be ruined. It would turn into a huge scandal."

'I get what he's saying, I really do..but-but..'

"It's okay Mister Ichigo, I'll create a brand new account with a fake name. And we can background check the person and make them sign a contract too."

I really didn't want Miss Miyako to hate me or the kids, she has a right of freedom too. She doesn't have to do this, so I should...at the very least, try to lighten her load even a little.

"~Sigh~ Fine, but I have to see the files on that person too. And don't get caught, or I'm kicking your ass."

"Heheh, thank you Mister Ichigo." I gave him a hug.

Not many people had messaged me over the week about the babysitting post, I'm guessing it was because the account wasn't even a month old. Still though this was quite frustrating. The sooner I could get someone to help babysit so Miyako could get free time the better, but I can't rush and hire just anyone either.

'Maybe 'kawaiitw1ns' wasn't the best username choice?'

"Ai! Come on! They need us on stage for practice!"


'Blehh more practice, my whole body hurts. When am I gonna get some resttttt.'




Someone named Wataru Sajou responded to my post today. They were asking basic questions like if the job was still available and such. It looked as if they were an overly formal and polite person...but still, how dare they ask if my precious Ruby and Aqua are well behaved!?

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