Music Club

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"Well she's certainly pretty."

On my way to class I saw a pretty blonde lurking around my classroom. Her hair was back length, with a blue ribbon tied to a strand of hair.

"You're way prettier Marika-san!"

Behind her were two girls whom I assumed were her lackeys, they were currently stalking Natsukawa as if marking a target. The words of the two girls seemed to serve only to feed 'Marika's' ego.

"Hoho~ well I'm glad you think so"

Whilst I wasn't particularly interested in what they had to say they were blocking my path, as such I walked up to them.

"Excuse me but do you have any business here?"

I could've simply asked her to move; however, given how she had two yes-men at her beck and call it was safe to say she was the self important type. Those that think of themselves as superior don't usually take kindly to complete disinterest, this wouldn;t have bothered me but... I had no intention of entering an argument with this girl.

"Erhah! Who are you!?"

The girl, Marika, seemed to be alarmed by my sudden presence as she let out a scream similar to that of a turkey.

'I almost chuckled.'

"Ah, apologies but this is my class. I'm Sajou Wataru. I asked if you needed help since you seemed to be staring at the door for a while."

"Well 'Sajou', I don't need any of your help. I'm interested in her."

She pointed towards Natsukawa.

"Natsukawa? Well I apologise for my assumption, good luck."

"Hey wait!"

I had no interest in helping her interact with that girl, lest I be accused of lecher again.

"Good morning Sajouchhi~!"

A cheerful voice called out to me as soon as I sat down.

"Good morning to you too Ashida."

"Blehh such a sourpuss on a bright day. Stop being such a downer!"

Ashida's exaggerated body movements were always amusing, if I didn't know better I'd assume she was an actor in a play.

"Isn't it you who's too energetic for a Monday morning?"

"Puh-lease! There's no such thing as too energetic. Life is too short to be all mopy like you."

"Your words cut deep, deeper than any blade."

"Wait was that a N****o reference!?"

With my plagiarised speech caught by Ashida I opted for the best solution to get out of the situation.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."


Yamazaki and his new girlfriend had been talking about it over the L*ne group chat and it caught my interest. I ended up binge watching the first season over the weekend.

"No no no it definitely was right!?"

Before her interrogation could continue Otsuki-sensei came into class.

Naturally Ashida calmed down, however she left some concerning words before turning sitting down.

"This isn't over."


With tomorrow being the end of term exams before summer break I made the decision to join the music club today. I had opted for this approach so I could come to the club room to practise during the summer, as the school facilities were still open for extracurriculars during the break.

I had seen Kawasaki during class earlier, but I didn't approach her in fear of Ashida catching me with her words earlier. Though I still had evening classes left so I couldn't afford to grow complacent.

**Knock Knock

"Yes, come in!"

A sweet voice greeted me from behind the door.

"Pardon the intrusion."

The reason I had chosen to come to the club during lunch was for the simple fact that, those who are members of a club tend to spend most of their free time during school in the club room.

With club rooms being the only private space granted to students it would be more odd if they didn't make as much use of it as they can.

"Sho, how cwan I help ch- Gulp~ Sorry, how can I help you?"

A girl with sunset brown hair spoke to me with her mouth full. She had shoulder length hair tied up into a ponytail with curtain bangs dropping in front of her face. She had a beauty mark at the bottom left of her lips.

"I'm here to apply for the club. Are you currently looking for new members?"

The girl wiped her lips with a handkerchief before wearing a look of contemplation.

" not really, we don't accept new members so close to the end of a semester."

"I see." I made no attempt to argue her choice, turning my body back to the exit when her sultry voice caught my attention again.

"But~, you seem interesting. So how about this, let's see your skills and if you intrigue me I'll let you join."

This girl seemed to be giving me a chance, however I could tell from the look on her face she was probably just bored and wanted to use me as a tool to alleviate that problem.

'Well, not that I care.'

"Alright. Do you happen to have a piano?"

Looking around the room, there were violins, guitars and a few horned instruments; but the room was clearly too small to have a piano in it.

"Unfortunately no, but we do have a keyboard I can let you play on."

She said as she walked over to a closet behind her chair.

"Here, don't disappoint me now~."

Paying no attention to her clear provocation I thanked her.

"Thank you."




The girl stood there watching me dumbfoundedly, clearly she had expected me to fail, yet I shattered that expectation. The piece I had chosen to play was Mazurka Op.33 No.2 in D major. I could have played something more complicated, however I wanted to play a piece I liked instead.


If I could I'd probably smirk mockingly right now.

"Well I'll be damned. You're in, what's your name?"

"Wataru Sajou."


Author note: Short chapter after a two month hiatus, really??? Really?

Well to that, I apologise sincerely, I've just been going through a lot lately, My dog died, I broke my arm falling down a stairs, my grandma broke her back falling down that same staircase, Orphan of Kos fuc- alright I'm fucking with yall. I'm sorry for not updating lol I forgor.

Been working on something idk if you saw what someone said on my page or not but yeah. I'll try to update more now, including a chapter tmrw but no promises.

Love y'all

pce out.

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