Sister drama p2

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White. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes, the color white. I felt inclined to cry, the most natural reaction for newborns truly. The sounds of others crying around me as I looked around in intrigue.As I grew older my environment never changed. I used to wonder why I was the only one that never cried like the others, looking back on it I suppose it was because... I knew


no one would be coming.


'Plain and simple.'


"Ah, what's wrong Ashida?"

"Are you okay? I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes."

"Were you perhaps thinking something dirty~?"

I wasn't particularly in the mood to banter with Ashida today. Sour memories I wish to bury seemed to resurface.

"Yeah, I was thinking about you Ashida."

"Tawawa! What the hell are you talking about Sajou!?"

"I didn't say anything."

"I'm pretty sure you───

There was no more need to continue this conversation, the bell just signalled lunch break and I had to head over to the student council to help out again. While I don't particularly want to the ice cream is indeed, tempting.

"Uh- Hey, where are you going!?"

"Who knows."

I left without another word.

What the hell is wrong with that guy!? First he starts acting all edgy and saying he doesn't like Ai-chi anymore. Then he stops smiling and magically becomes some sort of genius..and then he goes and tells me...that.

'Jeez what the hell is actually going on?'

"Kei? You seem spaced out."

"Oh sorry Ai-chi it's nothing~ hehe."

"Are you sur-"

"Yep! Absolutely~"

"Alright then...anyways do you know what's wrong with Sajou? He stopped being creepy all of a sudden and seemed kinda close with Shinomiya-senpai."

"Ara~ is Ai-chi perhaps jealous?"


"My bad~ my bad~"

"So how do you feel now that he isn't bothering you?"

Her face immediately formed a frown. 'So it's like that eh~'

"Honestly...I don't know."

"Well~ that's natural since you're used to him giving you all his attention, and now he doesn't give you any."

"Ugh, why do I not like that..."

"Maybe you like him.~"

"NO! No way!"

"Well either way, now it's your turn to chase him since he isn't going to anymore."

"W-what should I do?"

"Hell if I know."

"Do you know where he is by the way, Kei?"

"I got no clue, I asked him but he didn't answer and seemed in a hurry. Hehe maybe he got a girlfriend~"

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