Sister drama

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Humans are extremely social creatures, whilst other animals have also developed methods to interact with one another; humans are the only animals that actively communicate with each other even when not necessary. Sporting smiles on their faces as they conversate with one another even if they may not necessarily feel happy in the moment. Most people have both an inner and outer they show to the public to keep them in other's good graces and away from the bottom caste. Whether intentional or not this is often done as to not be isolated or seen as differently from others; as of course, different is almost always prosecuted. Hey you, you reading this. Did you know humans are the only animal that has a bartering system?


My pocket vibrated drawing me out from my thoughts.

「There is 1 new message from Kaede」

'She should know that I'm in class right now, surely she won't be annoyed if I don't respond right?'

「There are 2 new messages from Kaede」

'~sigh~ I suppose I'll open the message to see what she wants.'

「Noon. The Student Council Room」~2 mins ago



「Hey! Oi?!」~just now

'I suppose the second message was just to gain my attention.'

「Alright, I'll see you at noon then.」


「Mf typing like a middle aged teacher LOL」

'It appears even in messages she insults me...'

"Quite the interesting conversation you seem to be having... In. MY. Class Wataru Sajou-kun." Ootsuki-sensei said in an extremely dark tone.

It appears I spent too long on my phone and drew attention to myself.

"Oh it wasn't that interesting Ootsuki-sensei."

"You.... ~sigh~. That's not what I mean, whatever just put your phone away."

"Yes ma'am"

The class continued as usual after that. While she would normally call on me to ask me a question of some kind I guess she gave up after failing to embarrass me so many times. Not that I mind, I end up with more time to monologue to myself to stave off the boredom.

"So, why did you call me?"

"There are a lot of materials that I have to put together for the autumn school festival. Please help me. I don't have enough hands, so I had no choice but to ask you."

"I fail to see how that becomes my problem."

"You are good at office work, right?"


"Your part-time work. I know you were faking your age back then."


According to my memory, that was during middle school. The old Wataru was doing his best to make Aika Natsukawa like him. And worked part-time on Saturdays and Sundays in order to obtain 'military' funds. Truthfully as time progresses I realise more and more just how many problems were left for me to clean up.

"What? What is it? Is Kaede's younger brother useless?"

"Nah, he's a serious and hard-working villager."

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