Part 2

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One night in March I got home from work unusually late, around 11pm, and the house was quiet. I went upstairs to mine and Logan's bedroom and found what could possibly be the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I don't know what happened in my house that evening, but Sophie and Logan were both asleep and she was curled up in his arms.

I got ready for bed as quietly as possible before getting into bed, putting Sophie between me and Logan. She turned and snuggled up against me. I don't know why she was in our bed, but I would never say no to snuggles with my daughter. 

In the morning Logan filled me in and told me that Sophie hadn't had a great evening and that he'd intended to move her to her own room once she was asleep but he ended up falling asleep himself. 

"I can't believe she's still asleep" I said as I walked out of the bathroom.

"I know" Logan said. He was standing in front of the mirror, tying his tie. "If I'd known this is what it would take for her to sleep through the night I'd have put her in our bed a year ago". While she was over a year old at this point, it was rare that she slept through the night without waking up at least once.

I chuckled. "We really shouldn't make it a habit though"

"I know" Logan said. "Hey, come here" he put his hands on my waist and pulled me close to him. "I love you, you know that?"

"I know" I said. "I love you too"


Logan's POV-

Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months and before we knew it, it was August. Rory got some time off work so she decided to take Sophie (who was now 21 months old) to Connecticut to see our family. I had to work, but I'd join them on Friday.

On Tuesday, I was standing in the airport with Rory and Sophie. "Daddy. Daddy. Daddy. Daddy. Daddy" Sophie said as she repeatedly tapped my shoulder.

"Do you need something or sure you just being a goofball?" I asked.

"My nose" she grabbed my nose.

"Ok then"

"It's sweet" Rory chuckled. "She's gonna miss you"

"Yeah, well I'm gonna miss her" I said. "And you"

Just then there was an announcement that Rory's flight was boarding. "Alright, you'll text me when you land?"

"Yeah" Rory nodded.

"Ok" I brushed her hair behind her ear. "I love you" I leaned forward to kiss her.

"I love you too"

"Bye, sweetheart" I kissed Sophie's cheek and handed her to Rory. I kissed Rory one more time. "Bye, Ace"



Rory's POV-

On Thursday, I was sitting in lane's living room, watching Sophie play with her cat, mittens.

"Mommy, a treat" Sophie said. She was used to me and Logan giving her dog treats to give to Winston.

"I don't think we're gonna give the cat any treats, baby" I told her.

"A treat"

"Do you want me to give her a cat treat?" Lane asked quietly.

"You don't have to" I said.

"It's fine" she said and stood up. "Come here, Soph. I'll give you a treat for her"

"A treat!" Sophie said and followed Lane into the kitchen.

Lane gave Sophie a treat for the cat and then sat back down across from me. "So how are your new interns?" She asked. We always had interns the chronicle, but occasionally we had new interns start.

"I hate them all" I said. I didn't actually hate them, but whenever new interns started I found myself spending an annoying amount of time explaining things to them.

"What else is new?" She chuckled.

"What about you? What's new here?"

"In Stars Hollow? Nothing" she said. "Nothing ever changes here, that's the beauty of it"

"Very true"


Later that evening Sophie and I met my mom at Luke's. "Mommy, cheese"

"Ok" I said. "Luke can-"

"I heard her" Luke said and put a little bowl with shredded cheese in front of Sophie.

"Thank you" I said.

"So why do you have the week off?" My mom asked.

"Ok, so you know how I got promoted to managing editor, right?" I asked. She nodded. "Well the guy whose job I got isn't retiring for another two weeks but the guy who's taking my place as features editor started yesterday. So I get time off, and I'm not complaining"

"Seems like a good deal"


"Where are you going?" I asked Sophie who was trying to climb up the stairs. At home we had baby gates on the stairs but for obvious reasons, my mother didn't. So naturally, in true toddler fashion, all Sophie wanted to do when we were at my mom's house was climb on the stairs.

"Go up" Sophie said.

"No" I shook my head. "Come over here"

"Mommy, go up"

"No. It's dangerous" I said. "Come here, please"

Sophie walked over to me and I lifted her up to sit next to me on the couch.

"Look at her, sitting by herself like a little person" mom chuckled.  "I remember when you guys first adopted her. You were so freaked out, it was hilarious"

"Daddy!" Sophie shouted and pointed at the fireplace. My mom had a bunch of pictures above her fireplace and one of them was of me and Logan with Sophie.

"You see daddy in the picture?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Daddy coming now?"

"Daddy's coming tomorrow"

"Daddy coming now"

"He's gonna come tomorrow"

"No" she pouted. "Daddy coming now"

"Come here" I lifted her into my lap and hugged her tight.


"I know, baby. He's on his way"


The next afternoon I was standing next to my mom in the airport watching people walk out. The people we were seeing were on the same plane as Logan so we were expecting to see him any second.

We waited for 10 minutes and no Logan. By that point the terminal had mostly emptied and I was starting to get worried.

"Did he miss his flight?" Mom asked.

"I don't know" I said. I was looking through my phone to see if I somehow missed a message from him. "I haven't heard from him"

"Daddy coming now" Sophie said.

"He's on his way, babe" I said. I was trying not to be worried by the fact that I hadn't heard from Logan and he didn't show up, and I definitely didn't need Sophie to start getting upset that he wasn't there.

"You wanna call him?"

"Yeah, I think-" I was cut off by my phone ringing. I answered the call and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

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