Part 5

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December 9th 2014: Logan's POV-

I was sitting across from Rory at the kitchen table, trying to figure out plane tickets to Connecticut for Christmas. "Morning or night?"

"Ok" Rory said. She was working and when she was focused on work, she didn't fully hear what was going on around her.


"What?" She looked up.

"The flight, morning or night?"

"Oh, morning"

"Ok" I said. "Hey, so I was thinking we should-" I was interrupted by Rory's phone ringing. "Answer it. I can wait"

Rory put her phone to her ear. "Hello" .... "This is Lorelai Huntzberger". Ok, now I was a little confused because I can count on one hand the times I've heard someone call Rory that. "Yes" she said. "Yes, I understand....ok...yeah. Definitely" .... "Thank you so much. Bye" she put her phone down and just stared at me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I think we're getting a baby" she said.

"Are you serious?"

She nodded.

"We're getting a baby?"

"We're getting a baby"

November 4th 2016: Rory's POV-

Birthdays. I used to love them but now they're just painful. Today my daughter turns two and Logan isn't here to see it. I decided that I wasn't gonna make a big deal of her birthday since she didn't even know that it was her birthday. We would have her favorite dinner though and I did get her a cute little cake. But the rest of the day was normal. I dropped her off at daycare and then went to work. Although I'll admit that I wasn't so focused, I couldn't stop thinking about Logan.

"Knock knock" Carly said as she walked into my office.

"Hey Carly"

"I'm going downstairs to get coffee, thought you might wanna join"

"I can't" I said. I could go, but I didn't want to.

"Rory, what's wrong?" Carly asked

"Nothing, I'm fine"

"What's wrong?" She asked again.

You know when you're not ok and someone asks you if you're ok and you immediately feel like crying? That's what happened now.

"Hey" Carly walked over to my and put her hands on my shoulders. "What's going on?"

"I don't know, I just...I don't know how I'm supposed to do this without him. It's my daughter's birthday today and I couldn't even get it together to celebrate for her. I've been letting her sleep in my bed because I just don't have the energy to deal with her waking up all the time. I'm tired all the time, and I'm nauseous all the time, and I just...I don't even care"

"I know that this is hard" she said. "Probably way harder than I can even imagine, but it will get better. It will. But you need to take care of yourself and you're not doing that"

I opened my mouth to disagree but she kept talking.

"You're not, Rory. You're taking care of Sophie, and you're taking care of your dog, but you're not taking care of yourself. I see it. I see you sit at this desk all day. You don't eat anything, you don't drink anything, you said yourself that you're not sleeping...if you need help, tell me. I'm more than happy to help you but I can't do that unless you tell me what you need"

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