5: embarrassed

290 17 40

warning: mature-ish content ;)

you woke up to the sound of your alarm blaring the next morning. it was already bright outside, and the obnoxious amount of sunlight exacerbated the pounding throughout your skull.

looking around, you were briefly disoriented by your surroundings until you remembered you were in japan, at your new house.

"man.. what the fuck?" you groaned as you saw it was already 10:00am.

after you turned off your alarm, you closed your eyes again, debating on what to do next. you felt like shit and didn't want to get up, but you could tell you were dehydrated and needed to eat something.

you decided more sleep was the answer, but as you rolled onto your back, you were met with resistance.

"what the...?" you mumbled, sitting up and turning to see your blankets and a pillow next to you.

oh.. someone must've come home with me, you realized. even though the realization was reassuring, your eyebrows pulled together as you tried to piece together what happened the night before.

you remembered everything up until yuzuha left to help hina. and if you were recalling correctly, you had chatted with mitsuya for a while... but you didn't think he helped you home.

did i fuck someone? you wondered, pulling back the covers to see you were still fully dressed. nothing seemed off about it.

your eyes wandered around your room, looking for indication that someone may have been there when you spotted a glass of water and bottle of pain relievers. seeing them jogged something in your memory, and you vaguely remembered baji helping you into a cab and going to get you the water.

you picked up your phone, ready to text yuzuha and get his number to thank him when you saw you already had unread texts, some from yuzuha and a couple of unknown numbers.


lmk if you need anything <33

btw a couple people asked me for your phone number to check on you so i gave it to them. i hope that's ok

unsaved number

Hey, it's Takashi Mitsuya. I wanted to check in and see how things were going ☺️ Are you feeling alright?

unsaved number

You alive?

you responded to yuzuha and mitsuya, letting them know you were fine and checking on how their nights were before responding to the third person.

unfortunately. who's this?

Lol. It's Baji

Make sure you take the 💊

"so it was him." you smiled to yourself.

but taking some medicine was a good idea. you reached over onto your nightstand and grabbed two pills, swallowing them with a small sip of water.

i just did. thank you for helping
me get home last night. i owe you one!

That's what you said last night

oh yeah?

Ya. You were all flirty about
it too

you let out a surprised laugh. you could vaguely recall doing that, but you knew enough that you liked teasing him.

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