16: the start of a unforgettable night

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you woke up early the next morning to go home and get your things for school, and fortunately you didn't run into taiju on your way out.

after such an eventful weekend, you weren't expecting yuzuha to tell you there was a toman party that night. it was a monday, but apparently it was a "celebration"?

you weren't going to really question it, especially when a good portion of them either didn't attend high school or already graduated.

"what's your plan for tonight?" yuzuha asked you on the way to pah's house.

"hmm... probably play beer pong with baji. maybe try to dance at some point." you responded. "how about you?"

"baji, huh?" she gave you a teasing smile, but when she noticed your face heat up she changed the subject. "i think dancing sounds fun, maybe i'll try to flirt with a cute guy too."

"you know, i'm actually surprised they aren't too intimidated to talk to you considering hakkai and taiju are in the gang." you realized.

"hakkai's so oblivious that he could see me making out with someone and think he's giving me mouth to mouth... but he and i have always been a little distant from taiju anyway. he doesn't even live with us anymore."she said.

huh? the thought made you stop in your tracks momentarily, but you managed to recover quickly, convincing yourself that you either dreamt he was there or it wasn't unusual for him to stop by his previous home.

"is something wrong?" yuzuha turned toward you, noticing how you paused.

"no. i was just surprised that taiju was there when i went downstairs last night." you mentioned, and it was yuzuha's turn to stop walking, her eyes wide.

"he was?"

"yeah. talk about a jump scare." you shivered, remembering your encounter with him and how he looked like he wanted to eat you alive.

yuzuha let out a loud laugh. "that's weird he was there. and i'm sure he wasn't pleasant."

"you're right, he wasn't." you agreed. "it's hard to remember that you guys are related with how different he is from you and hakkai."

"i feel the same way. at least he won't be here tonight."yuzuha let out a relieved sigh.

"we can only hope." you said, and she laughed in response as you rolled up to pah's house.

you walked into his place, not taking your shoes off at the door since it looked like everyone there still had theirs on. there was also a small group of toman guys in the living room, including draken, takemichi, and pah.

"welcome in! grab a beer! we're going hard tonight!" pah greeted you.

"thanks for inviting us over. but don't you have to work tomorrow?" you chuckled.

"pah-chin's head whistles, don't you know?!" peh, pah's deer in the headlights looking best friend, yelled as he came into the room, a few people trailing behind him.

just as you were about to laugh again, you heard mikey yelling.

"y/n! welcome back!" he exclaimed, running up from behind peh and coming up to you. to your surprise, he threw his arms around you into a hug.

"oh, hey mikey." you patted his back awkwardly.

you thought the hug would end there, but instead you felt mikey nuzzle his face into your neck, his mouth coming close to your ear. next to you, yuzuha raised her eyebrows as she watched you bite your lower lip to keep from shuddering under his touch.

"we took care of the problem. you don't have anything to worry anymore."mikey murmured to you.

oh.. so that got resolved. maybe that was the cause of celebration tonight?

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