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 Chapter 13
  : Because the system had been idle before, he had not received many previous rewards. Looking at the various rewards he missed in front of him, Jiang Yan's heart couldn't help but start to bleed. But fortunately, there is still a newcomer gift package that can be received, otherwise Jiang Yan would definitely be very sad.

  After Jiang Yan completed today's sign-in task, he easily received the newcomer gift package. As mentioned before, the check-in task during the cub stage is very simple. Today's task was even simpler. Jiang Yan was only asked to complete a 200-meter sprint.

  The development sign-in system focuses on the word "development". The system is expected to be like a teacher, cultivating Jiang Yan's moral, intellectual, physical and beauty bit by bit, and then train Jiang Yan into a good student.

  Today's sign-in reward is one egg, tomorrow's sign-in reward is two eggs, and the day after tomorrow's sign-in reward is a pack of toffee... Since Jiang Yan is still in the cub stage, he can receive two eggs after signing in.

  Jiang Yan's sign-in system is very simple. In addition to a Q-version doll of his own, there is a calendar-like sign-in panel next to it. There are many types of rewards on the sign-in panel. In addition to food, water, clothes, toys, etc., there are also some more special rewards.

  This special reward requires Jiang Yan to complete the check-in tasks cumulatively to obtain it. Every time Jiang Yan signs in for tasks for a month, he can get one character attribute point. This character attribute point is very useful and can be added to Jiang Yan's Q-version doll.

  For example, after Jiang Yan signed in for a month and successfully obtained an attribute point, he added the attribute point to the doll's IQ, and his IQ could increase a little.

  Jiang Yan's original IQ was 137, and with one more addition, it would be 138. If he adds IQ to all attribute points, he will be a genius when he grows up.

  It's a pity that he is still in the cub stage, and there is a nasty cub BUFF, which makes his IQ not as high as that of a normal child. If it weren't for the memory, common sense, and life experience of his previous life, he would be an idiot to put it bluntly.

  The system made him a fool, probably because he was worried that he was too different from other children and would be discovered accidentally by the adults around him. After all, no matter how smart or powerful a person is, he cannot act in his own home all the time. Now that Jiang Yan has such a BUFF, he shouldn't have to travel even if he doesn't have to act deliberately.

  Jiang Yan didn't worry too much about this because the system was already bound to him. In addition, there was something he wanted in the system, and he quickly accepted the current situation without being able to untie it from the system.

  Isn't that just being a little fool for three years? As long as nothing happens to his mother and eldest brother, hahaha, even if he is left to be a fool for ten years, he believes he can still live a good life.

  What's more, not all of them are disadvantages, the system provides quite a lot of benefits. For example: "cuteness bonus", "character attributes" and "various rewards", these are quite attractive to Jiang Yan.

  After Jiang Yan thought about it, he opened the novice gift bag. There were a total of five things in the novice gift package given to him by the system. A can of malted milk, a canned fruit, two big apples, and a carton of fresh milk.

  After all, it is a system that focuses on training. In this era of scarcity, for a poor farm boy, he really lacks these foods. And these things are quite nutritious, enough for him to eat for a week.

  The system also has a small storage space for him to store these sign-in rewards. Jiang Yan didn't take out everything, he only took out a carton of milk, hid himself and drank it all. After drinking, he stretched out his hand to wipe his mouth, then went to find his mother with a big apple in his arms.

  He didn't intend to hide anything about the system from his mother. His mother regarded him as her destiny and her eyes. Only he knew how much she pampered him and loved him.

  And with his current IQ, he might not be able to hide it if he shares the same bed with his mother every day. Instead of waiting until then and being sad when his mother finds out, it's better to tell her from the beginning. He believed that Xu Jingqiu would not find him strange, let alone tell others about it.

  As for whether to tell my brothers and sisters? He still had to think about this matter, and it was best to discuss it with his mother. It's not that he doesn't want to trust his brothers and sisters, but it's just that it's unsafe for so many people to know about this kind of thing.

  Just when Jiang Yan was jumping around looking for his mother with a big apple in his arms. At this time, Xu Jingqiu was being pestered by a man. This man was none other than Lin Youliang. He was the lover in the novel who led to her being cannon fodder.

  It's a pity that Xu Jingqiu didn't know about the novel, nor did she know that it was the man in front of her, which caused her to be pointed at her nose and insulted by the villagers, and she had to hang herself in the end.

  Jiang Yan was very small and barely made any noise as he shuttled through the cornfield. Like a short-legged rabbit, he nimbly passed through the corn stalks, and then walked towards where his mother was.

  But before he could find Xu Jingqiu first, he heard a man's voice. The relationship between men and women in this era is sensitive [gǎn]. When assigning tasks in the brigade, men and women will be deliberately separated.

  Xu Jingqiu and other women were assigned to the cornfield to break corn. Almost all the people in this area are women, and only a few male educated youths come. Because the male educated youth are all scholars, they are not only physically weak but also in poor health. Especially the few educated youth who have just arrived, they can only work with the women.

  Jiang Yan originally thought that this man was some kind of male educated youth. But he soon realized something was wrong, because the other person's voice seemed a bit familiar to him, as if... he was from their village.

  Jiang Yan thought like this and ran towards that side quickly. Then I saw a dark young man sitting next to Xu Jingqiu. When Jiang Yan saw the other person's face clearly, he was so angry that he stamped his feet and rushed over.

  Because this black guy is none other than his mother's sweetheart in the novel. In the novel, Xu Jingqiu fell in love with him not because Xu Jingqiu liked him much, but because Xu Jingqiu was forced by the Jiang family and found a man in order to take revenge on the Jiang family.

  This man is not good. If he is responsible, he should divorce Xu Jingqiu and marry her openly. Instead of watching her being forced by the Jiang family, and then taking advantage of others' danger to become her man. Not to mention that after being caught by the villagers, in order to protect himself, he would say that Xu Jingqiu seduced him, and finally watched Xu Jingqiu hang himself with cold eyes.

  Jiang Yan looked down upon such men the most, who were lustful, hypocritical, selfish, irresponsible, and irresponsible. Such a person is not worthy of his mother, and he will not let him get close to his mother.   

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